10/20/2021 - Brimfield Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

10/20/2021 - Brimfield Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 10/20/2021

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:


  • Barking Dog complaints reviewed by Dog Warden sent back to the township. Recommended to call the police if nuisance
  • Fall Harvest had very successful 400-500 attendance, great feedback from the community

Motion to accept Minutes approved

Motion to add an addition to agenda to old business and resolution to expedite demolition. Motion approved

Motion to accept purchase orders and Warrants.

Public comments - None

Safety concerns:

  • Chip and seal very cost-effective for roads

Public safety:

  • All officers completed firearms qualifications Officer Matt Kennedy received a recognition award from Mental Health Board.

Fire Department

  • Started Fire Station Build. Discussion followed on details of the build. Project meetings on Fridays at job trailer 11 AM. The Gazebo will be closed at some point during construction. It will reopen once safety concerns are eliminated.


  • Soccer Fields have been excavated seeded fertilizer grass popping before winter.
  • UCE construction concrete did excellent job thank you to road department.
  • Candidates Night and dinner October 26. 4-7 dinner.
  • Kelso House creating a business membership for $250 to help make them self-sustaining.
  • Kent Jed board appointments can only serve 2 terms (4 years). Brimfield trustees will select one, a business or employee. Must submit by end of the year.
  • Recommendation for a township or city employee appt.
  • Motion to recommend Craig Mullaly (as administrative supervisor) 2nd for discussion.
  • Roll call vote Mike yes Nick Yes Sue Yes to submit Craig Mullaly name for appointment consideration by Jed Board

Portage county Visitors Bureau:

  • In order for Brimfield to recoup our portion of $ from the bed tax, we need to help with ideas to bring people to the hotels.
  • Mike: German Society, Nick: Baseball tournaments. Soccer tournaments, Kelso House, Brimfest

Zoning Economic Development

  • Mike Ladd: Zoning commission met Oct 14. Concentrated on the GC district State Rte 43. Sunny Hill Apartment applied for a zoning change from an R 3 to Integrated Commercial. They were never zoned that way and would now like to change. Referred it to the regional planning commission. It will go through the process to change the zoning districts. November 11 6:30 is the public hearing 7pm is Zoning commission meeting.
  • Portage Soil and Water met on October 19. If we go home rule costs will fall on the township.
  • Zoning appeals meeting: Walden Point concern for development looking for a 20 ft building separation.
  • Letters asking not to move forward with Walden Point.
  • Tax increment financing agreement in draft form. Needs to be at the school Board meeting November 15. School Board needs to approve prior to Trustees.
  • Americana Development dba Martin Wheel the agreement approved by the Portage County Commission on 10/12. Heritage of Brimfield Nursing framing up. Redwood Aparttmens moving forward framing up. Hickory Hills still slow. Congress Lake property moving slow violation with Portage soil and water.
  • Hammond Manufacturing steel is up. Wave Car wash construction moving fast Jiffy lube started moving slow. Aldi’s moving slow and Martin wheel. Crano construction looking at property but it is zoned limited industrial perhaps not a good fit for Brimfield. We need to look at changing the zoning if possible.
  • Cranberry Creek in its last phase. Walden Pointe is on agenda. Valvoline at Maplecrest wants to go next to Arby’s. 75 violations out most are being completed. Brimfield Science GDI will start digging on Monday.
  • Discussion regarding sign: Thank you for visiting Brimfield. Suffield asked if on back can sign say now entering Suffield.
  • Abandon home demolition search warrants scheduled for Oct 25.
  • Motion: Nick: authorizing the filing of petitions to vacate on behalf of Brimfield township to proceed with the demolition of certain real estate properties….2nd by Mike Discussion followed long process through the court systems Do we incur the cost for outside legal counsel. Motion approved unanimously.

New businesses:

  • Applied for certificates, permit fees up to. $221k.
  • Questions regarding green lands for development. Park and Recreation the Walden Point backs to park looking into possibilities regarding green space.


  • Need to continue with asphalt before the season is over. Old Business put on hold till roads are finished.
  • Sugar Maple change order Trustee approval needed for $5867 for more asphalt due to road conditions.
  • Motion: to approve unanimously.
  • Motion to approve Mike Kostensky as CEO for Cascade resurfacing project. For next year.
  • Approved unanimously.
  • Foundations poured at cemetery for the fall.
  • Sweeping and painting of chip roads should be done very soon.
  • 2908 Congress Lake road soil and water issues sent to county.
  • Culvert replacements on Howe rd.
  • EPA issues with soil and water costs will increase to be in compliant.
  • Walking Trail status on hold.

Parks and Recreation

  • Fall Festival huge success
  • Movie in Park was cold about 40 in attendance.
  • Suggestions for next year: Arts and craft Fair. Food Trucks, Suggest keeping bonfire longer.
  • Land Donation property on Selnick still in review with legal.
  • Park Board change to volunteers; change to quarterly meetings versus monthly.
  • Get prices for a propane generator for community center should not exceed 10k 3 possible locations
  • Tour of lights holiday contest open to all townships in Portage County.
  • Challenge Tallmadge versus Brimfield competition will be a friendly competition
  • Oct 28 Owl night hike
  • November 28 Kelso Holiday walk and drive-through.

2022 Events:

  • Touch a Truck June 18th 11-2
  • Summer Concerts 2 a month June-August will pick dates soon with food trucks if possible
  • Brimfest September 16-17 discussion on carnival rides smaller events hard to book look for alternative events, example video game trucks. Speaking with House of LaRose to add alcohol to event.
  • Fall Harvest festival October 22 suggested.
  • Kelso Holiday Event November 27

Discussion on Vintage Bus Rodeo (like a car show)
Randolph all-inclusive playground is open

Meeting adjourned @10:06

Which members of the board/council were present: Sue Fields, Mike Kostensky, Nic Coia

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Donna Carlton

League to which this content belongs: 