10/6/2021 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

10/6/2021 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 10/6/2021

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

The first part of the meeting (Public Hearing e.g. Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area Expansion, and Democracy Day Public Hearing) was not recorded/streamed. There appeared to be some interest in this because most of the audience left after this part of the meeting.

Community Development Committee:
Garage 108 Architecture Review Board Appeal. This continues issues associated with the Architectural Review Board. This involves the lighting of signs on Garage 108. Here are the issues: The internal lighting of the sign on the building toward Haymaker had been allowed by ARB but not for the one on College St. (Owner said tree partially obstructed the sign, under the new guidelines only one sign is allowed.) Owner had 180 days to get the non-confirming request submitted e.g. to allow 2 signs. Business owner said ARB actions were adversarial and that this lighting decision was "retaliatory." Lots of discussion. Owner wants both signs internally lighted; no one from ARB there to discuss. Council agrees to allow the appeal (both signs internally lighted). Vote: 7-2 to allow the appeal. Newspaper coverage indicated that this was the first time the Council supported the appeal.

Health and Public Safety Committee:
Proposal to consider dispatch services to Brimfield. Deals solely with Fire Department--not police. This service is currently being provided by Kent State University. This will involve approx 4 calls a day, doesn't provide an "undue burden" accordig to Shearer for the city. This one-year contract will provide $44,040 or $30 per call with a 6 month opt-out for either side. This involves fire and paramedical services. Unanimously approved.

Dora Expansion:
Simply put this extends the Dora across the bridge. Two businesses have requested the extension--Bell Tower Brewery (which will be opening at the end of October on Gougler) and Kent Cycle Shop (on Lake St.-- doesn't serve liquor) Wilke said there were no problems with the neighbors and two business neighbors -- Wild Goats and River Merchant expressed interest in it. Questions from council included issues associated with litter/trash. 10 approved and one abstained.

Street Sidewalks and Utilities Committee:
Gougler and River Street Improvements. High Crash corridor. This measure would allow the city to apply for a grant. Unanimously approved

Patio license agreement (257 No. Water). Unanimously approved

Water Tower Easement. $750 a month for five years. Unanimously approved.

Ice Rink Update. Closing of Erie St. between Haymaker and Depeyster beginning Oct. 15. That will remain closed until March 2022 (for the ice rink). Dora included in area. No date for the grand opening, collaboration with Kent State.

Finance Committee:
2021 Budget Appropriation Amendment (5th). Approved unanimously

Proposed New Non-school TIF. Approved unanimously

Bond for City Hall. Bids reopening. Exact details need to be worked out. Approved unanimously.
Depository Agreement. Needs to approved evry 5 years. This is the reason for the special meeting that follows. The full ordinance is planned for the Nov. 17 meeting. Approved unanimously.

Work Force Development Grant. This allows the city to accept a $180,000 grant from Ohio Dept. of Public Health. Portage County to administer grant. Involves hiring two people. 1. a 32 hour position to start a para medicine program, position split between the health department and fire dept. 2. part-time clerk. Unanimous approval to receive grant.

2021-102 Ordinance extending the agreements of the current designed depositions for the city of Kent, Ohio and declaring an emergency. Unanimously approved.

Which members of the board/council were present: Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;  John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 