1/11/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

1/11/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 1/11/2021

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Public Comments:
A community member residing on Powdermill Rd brought forth concerns regarding speeding on Powdermill Rd, cars not stopping for the school buses, and a neighbor frequently discharging firearms. The sheriff's department representative was in attendance at the meeting at addressed her concerns. The Sheriff's department has conducted several special attention notations over several days that have not identified any speeders. He stated that could be due to drivers seeing the officer's car causing them to slow down. He instructed that license plate numbers can be called in and they will be followed up on by the department. Regarding the firearms, he stated that she could call and request that the department come out and investigate whether the resident has a safe backstop and speak with the individuals about weapon discharge safety.

A community member residing on South Blvd expressed ongoing concerns regarding a fence in violation of zoning codes. The Zoning inspector inspected the fence and determined a portion that did not meet the code was removed. The resident felt the complete fence did not meet the code and needed to be removed. The resident and the zoning inspector disagreed. The resident also reported 2 additional properties that did not meet code. The zoning inspector stated he had talked with the first location and he was seeing improvements and will continue to monitor. The zoning inspector will investigate the third property that was shared.

Portage County Sheriff Department report: There were 217 incidences that required a response from the department in Franklin Township last month.

Road Department Report No report was submitted. Bad weather monitoring and road crew dispatching was discussed and shared that the Trustees will monitor the weather and determine the need for road crews and make the calls to dispatch the crews.

Zoning Report: Written zoning report was submitted and is attached to the official record.

Fire Report: Report was summited and is attached to the official record.

Old Business:

  • Davy Tree Parcel proposal submitted by the City of Kent was tabled for further investigation.
  • COVID protocols were discussed with an agreement to make masks mandatory for anyone entering a Township building.
  • Curbside recycling by PCWMD was updated that recycling will occur through January. There is currently an impasse with contract negotiation. Township attorney is in the process of filing a complaint in Portage County Court for a finding that holds the County responsible to uphold the contract that runs through 2024.

New Business:

  • Road crew communication needs were discussed. More information regarding options will be investigated.
  • The ventilation system at the maintenance garage was discussed. More quotes will be sought out before a decision is made.
  • The following resolutions were made:
  • Reed Havel, Glenn Luttner, and Sam Abell will become permanent members of the zoning commission.
  • Glenn Russell with be Franklin Township representative to Standing Rock Cemetery Board

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Kellie Kapusta, Glenn Russell

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Jill Hazelton

League to which this content belongs: 