Date of Meeting: 12/14/2023
Format: In-person
Streetsboro Board of Education Meeting
Meeting Summary:
The Regular Meeting of the Streetsboro Board of Education was called to order at 6:04 PM, Thursday, January 11, 2024.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: A former student of the Streetsboro school district asked the Board and Streetsboro Community to support the Polar Plunge in Cleveland on Saturday, February 24. The event is held every year, and proceeds benefit the Special Olympics.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Superintendent Michael Dalbaugh invited two staff members to give an update on the district’s use of EduClimber. EduClimber is an interactive Data Management System that integrates data for individual students into one platform. The system is up and running. It has taken some time to input the data, but progress has been achieved where individual student data can be easily accessed. This system replaces the district's utilization of multiple spreadsheets across various formats and instead consolidates data into a single dashboard. Each student has a profile in EduClimber. Data is presented in real-time, and the information throughout the student’s school history can be found in one place. Achievements and growth and early warning signs for a needed intervention are monitored. Multiple data metrics are tracked, and patterns can emerge. For example, behavioral data on a specific student can be entered and linked to specific times, dates, or coursework. Emerging patterns in the data can alert faculty to potential problems and help them create an early intervention. This program is easy to use, and while there have been a few hiccups, those involved in this project are very pleased with what they see and are excited about using this new tool. They see it as a great tool for communicating with parents and are also excited to have multiple years of data for each student in one place. Michael Dahlbaugh commented that it is a challenge to become data proficient, and pulling all of the data points together and housing them in one spot is a part of the district’s strategic plan. The district looked at many data warehousing systems, and most were simply not affordable. EduClimber is affordable, and so far, the response to its capabilities has been very positive. Streetsboro School District is one of the first schools in the region to adopt EduClimber.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Brian Haines reported no surprises in the budget. For December 2023, revenues for the district were $531K, and expenditures were $2.2 mil. Expenditures exceeded revenues by approximately $1.7 mil. Expenditures are primarily on faculty and staff wages and benefits. The current cash position is around $10 mil. Haines has prepared a report of budget projections over the next two years due to the County on January 15. This required report demonstrates to the County that the district is projected to be financially sound for the next two years.
CHIEF BUSINESS OFFICER REPORT: Chief Business Officer CJ Scarpino reported working on a rental agreement between the district and On Point Dance Competition.
Andreas Johansson and Dan Stitzel gave a technology update. They explained the Chromebook refresh cycle. Every student is assigned a Chromebook device. The student-to-technology ratio is 1:1. Students do have a choice to use a personal alternate device. Still, the technology team must first check the alternative device to ensure it can do all the things the students need to do. Various makes and models of Chromebook devices are currently being deployed within the district, including Lenovo, ASIUS, and Samsung. The refresh cycle is 3-5 years and varies due to use, grade level, device type, and student care level. Some students are harder on devices than others, but overall, the technology team is pleased with how well they care for their devices. In any given year, between 400 and 750 devices must be replaced. It is very cyclical. The $50 technology fee for students covers replacement parts, in-house repairs, batteries, and bags. The budget for the Chromebook devices must come from General Fund dollars.
Dan Stitzl also reported on the staff Professional Development Day scheduled for February 16. This year, he has solicited food donations from local organizations and vendors so that staff food service workers can attend all the sessions without stopping to prepare and serve food. A nationally recognized speaker will be providing the Key Note. There will be a wide array of topics, including but not limited to AI, emotional and social well-being, learning assessments, project-based Learning, ELA, math, and STEM education.
The first annual Wellness Fair will be held in the Streetsboro High School Cafeteria on January 27 from 11:30-1:30. This is a family event. There will be a number of vendors, and there will be activities for all age groups.
The board unanimously approved CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS B-K.
The Board approved the Alternative Tax Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and authorized the Treasurer to submit it to the Portage County Budget Commission.
The Board approved the facility rental agreement between Streetsboro City School District’s Board of Education and On Point Dance Competition.
The Board approved the Transportation Supervisor contract for Amanda Hall effective 8/01/2024-7/31/2027.
The Board approved the Facility Supervisor contract for Dave Clark effective 08/01/2024-07/31/2027.
OLD BUSINESS: CJ Scarpino announced that the Digital Sign for the High School is scheduled to be installed on 1/12/2024, weather permitting.
The Board moved into Executive Session at 7:02 PM.
Which members of the board/council were present: Kristin Bedford, Tracy Campbell, Tonia Epple, Kelly Rich, Sara Scott. All Board Members were present.
Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes
Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes
Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes
Name of Observer: Diana L Skok