11/15/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

11/15/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 11/15/2023

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council Meeting

Public Comment:
Shifts in Zoning:
Emily Ulm, Rockwell St., focused on the shift in zoning in her neighborhood from single-family to student rentals, e.g. to rooming houses. Zoning laws not followed.

Mark Seeman, Rockwell St., noted that the Willard DeLeone house had been vacant but then sold to New Era Rentals and that that house had been converted to a boarding house, e.g. student rentals. He asks the city council to support neighborhoods. (In the past, New Era had sued city to make zoning changes.)

Noise Complaints, Issues in Prosecutor’s office:
Julia Weissman, Brice Road, complained about excessive noise and profanity from neighbors. After a request to the neighbor and landlord, noise/profanity continued, police called, and a complaint was filed in August. The prosecutor dismissed the case, and never contacted her. The prosecutor works with and for Miss Jones (Law Director), a neighbor's relative. Her husband is an attorney (Mark Weissman), who wrote a letter to the prosecutor’s office, and the charge was refilled. She wants an investigation into the matter, an outside investigation to see how charges are handled when there is a conflict of interest.
Mark Weissman, Bierce Road, ceded time.

Noise Ordinance:
Wendy DiAlesandro, Mogadore Rd., encouraged the city council to review its noise ordinance, perhaps pattern Streetsboro’s noise ordinance, e.g. warning the person three times and making it incident-specific.

Written Communications: A number of written communications have been submitted. The Liquor License Transfer request for Timothy J. Surgeon, 802 N. Mantua, was reviewed by Chief Shearer and Hope Jones, who had no objections. Approved by council unanimously.

Committee of the Whole
On Nov. 8, there were interviews of individuals who had applied for committee appointments. The council approved the following:

  • Board of Building Appeals: David Hansford (2 vacancies remain).
  • Board of Health: Evan Howe
  • Board of Zoning Appeals: Steve Protzman, Michelle Sahr (2 vacanies remain)
  • Design and Preservation: Kathleen Endres and David Mertz
  • Fair Housing Board: Keileigh Veraldo-Zucchero (2 vacancies remain)
  • Park and Recreation Board: Roderick Moxley Jr.
  • Planning Commission: Nasser Matar
  • Shade Tree Commission: Rebekkah Berryhill and James Jenkins
  • Sustainability Commission: Maryjayne Stone (1 vacancy remains)

2023-061: (2nd reading) An ordinance providing an amendment to the charter of the city of Kent, Ohio, to be submitted at the primary election on March 19, 2024, which will append article XII, Section 12.02 titled “voting ward apportionment” and declaring an emergency (authorized). Approved by a vote of 5 to 4. (opposed: Ferraro, Kuhar, Rosenberg and Sidoti), goes to third reading at special meeting Dec. 8.

Health & Safety Committee:
2023-081: An ordinance amending Chapter 351 of the Codified ordinances of the city of Kent titled “Parking Generally, and declaring an emergency.
This continues the heated discussion about running engine motors when the car is not attended. The vote was 5 to 4 on suspension (opposed: Ferraro, Kuhar, Rosenberg, and Sidoti). Suspension needs a 7-person approval, so this was approved as a first reading inside (3 will be required).

Finance Committee:

  • 2023-082: A resolution requesting the county auditor to advance any property taxes collected prior to the normal February settlement date from the 2023 tax year collection proceeds pursuant to section 321.34 of Ohio revised code and declaring an emergency. Approved unanimously
  • 2023-083 An ordinance authorizing the city of Kent to submit three funding applications totaling $6068,800 and to execute the subsequent agreement to the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS), and to accept the grants, if awarded, with corresponding appropriation of funds for the construction phase of SR59 and North Main Street and resurfacing of Mogadore Road, and declaring an emergency. Approved unanimously.
  • 2023-084 An ordinance amending chapter 187 of the codified ordinance of the city of Kent titled “Income tax,” and declaring an emergency. Approved unanimously
  • 2023-085: An ordinance authorizing the city manager, or his designee, to complete negotiations for, drat and execute a purchase agreement for the sale of parcels of property known as 252 N. Water St and PPN 170925030-00-0280000 a vacant lot on N. Water Street, Kent, to Andrea Chisnell for $140,000, waiving competitive bidding and declaring an emergency. Approved unanimously.

Unfinished business:
Ferraro said he wants to look into Mrs. Weisman’s comments about the Prosecutor’s office. The city council approved the recommendation.

New Business:
City Council moved the noise ordinance to committee for possible revision. Approved unanimously.


  • Gwen Rosenberg thanks residents who came out to point out issues.
  • Sidoti thanked all who applied for committee appointments and said that some vacancies are still open.
  • Shafer Bish: thanked residents of Rockwell St., the student housing/boarding issue is especially common in Ward 5

Which members of the board/council were present: Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2; John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 