11/17/2021 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

11/17/2021 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 11/17/2021

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

City Council Committee Meeting:

Committee of the Whole:

  • Bridget Sussel talked about ward changes that may be coming about because of the 2020 census returns. Because of the possible substantial changes, she is checking for verifiable census information before recommending ward changes. She expects to bring this back to Council in February or March.

Finance Committee:

  • Jim Bowling reported on the various projects that the finance committee is dealing with. He notes that the committee was able to bid out 8 projects before rate increases, $8 million in projects were bid at 15 percent of the estimate. Projects discussed. Fire station No. 2 will be done by December but the generator won't be delivered until May. The Miller, Harvey, and Steel Streets flooding project was completed in September. The N. Water St. project was completed in October. Walnut Street public parking project completed. He also explained why Middlebury Road was closed, e.g. the replacement of the jump station in the southwest part of town. Next year, Administration Building is on tap. He also outlined other streets and sidewalks programs planned. Approved the Capital Improvement Plan.

Regular City Council Meeting:
Public Comment:

  • All three people who addressed the council dealt with the proposed intergenerational housing project on Allerton. These included John Thomas, 1621 Chadwick; Eric Nichols, 1560 Chadwick and Wendy Yuzik, 1583 Chadwick. All wanted greater input into the university/city committee. They each wanted elected officials as well as committee members to be part of that committee. City council members discuss this further later in the meeting.

Committee of the Whole:
Election to various boards.

  • Architectural Review Board Dennis Saxe was reelected to a position on the board (2021-116 unanimously approved): The two other candidates for the one board seat were defeated, e.g. Valerie Landis and incumbent Kevin Koogle.
  • Building Appeals Board: Incumbent Robert Rummel was reelected (2021-117 unanimously approved).
  • Zoning Appeals Board: Stephen Prontzman approved (2021-118 unanimously approved)

Community Development Committee:

  • 2021-119 Ordinance gives the authority to the City of Kent to be the state-designed certified local government to administer a grant submitted by Todd Packer and Associates to the Ohio History Connection (Liquid Crystal History) -- unanimously approved.
  • 2021-120 Ordinance authorizes City Manager or designee to renew agreement between Main Street Kent and city of Kent for another 3 years to promote economic development and revitalization of city -- unanimouslyh approved.

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities Committee:

  • 2021-121: an ordinance authorizing the city of Kent to submit transportation alternatives set aside funding application ($700,000) and execute the agreement with AMATS to improve the East Main Street Improvement Project and accept the grant if approved -- unanimously approved.
  • 2021-122 ordinance authorizing the city of Kent to submit transportation alternatives set aside funding application ($483,100) and execute the subsequent agreement with AMATS to design and acquire right of way for the final segment of the Portage Hike and Bike Trail and to accept the grant if awarded -- unanimously approved.

Finance Committee:

  • 2021-123: a resolution requesting the county auditor to advance any property taxes that have been collected prior to the normal February settlement date to section 321.34 of Ohio Revised Code --unanimously approved.
  • Under Council Members' comments, the whole discussion revolved around the proposed intergenerational building project on Allerton.

Mayor's Report:

  • Mayor Fiala emphasized the city needs additional volunteers for boards and commissions.

The Council then went into Executive session to discuss negotiations/bargaining sessions with public employees.

Which members of the board/council were present:   Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; John Kuhar, Ward 4;  Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5;  Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large;  Michael DeLeone, At Large;  Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3. Abest was Jack Amrhein, Ward 2

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 