11/2/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

11/2/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 11/2/2022

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council

Ohio Magazine names Kent as one of the best towns of 2022 is now out. Magazine's article is available at Destination Kent.

Kent City Council Committee Meetings:
Committee of the Whole
KSU Update:

  • Halloween -- only 17 arrests.
  • Kent Skates -- Erie Street closed now for the ice rink. Ice rink opens. Nov. 19 (through Feb. 26, 2023), free skating, free skate rental, open Wednesday to Sunday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. (group reservations M-T)
  • Philanthropic Funds -- November
  • KSU lead partner in semiconductor needs -- includes training certification programs for needed jobs in that industry through KSU's College of Associate Programs (related to the chip project in Columbus)
  • 50th anniversary of title 9 was celebrated at Homecoming.
  • Shafer Bish added a discussion about the edge neighborhood households, the need to welcome students but also ask KSU support to remind students to be respectful of neighbors.

City Hall Update:

  • Much of the waterproofing done (S. Water St. side)
  • Beginning of retaining walls (North side/Haymaker side)
  • Elevator tower is up
  • Delays: concrete pushed back another week to 10 days.
  • Key ordered
  • Council chambers almost all the way up

Community Development Committee

  • TREX agreement: Redding Empowered LLC-- DP Dough to be expanded next door e.g. beer and wine, roll out in Spring. Will provide additional seating. Move to approve with TREX -- unanimously approved

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities Committee

  • Yard Waste Facility Use -- Limits and Options: Gates always open before 2020, which led to lots of debris being left, some not from Kent, expensive for city to handle: in Spring 2020 access was limited to two days a week and Saturday in Summer; Yard Waste Permit needed for Kent property owner (need to show driver's license and utility bill), greatly reduced the maintenance costs to $6400 annually

Finance Committee

  • Advance of Taxes from Portage County--unanimously approved
  • Local Government Fund Revenue Calculation--villages open to keep rates as they were for the next 10 years. Council accepts formula (with emergency) -- unanimously approved

Safe Routes to School -- School Travel Plan Grant Request -- $5 million available statewide but need a plan to reduce barriers to walking to school within 2 miles of the school. (Several Council members want to be sure sidewalk snow removal be included in plan). Resolution to submit grant request -- unanimously approved


Which members of the board/council were present: Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;   Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3. Absent was John Kuhar, Ward 4

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 