11/9/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

11/9/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 11/9/2021

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Public Comment:
Detective DeSerio reported on the Office of the Sheriff’s activities in the township in October. Officers became involved in 215 incidents including private property damage, hit-skip, criminal damage, sex offenses, domestic violence, traffic complaints, traffic stops, and other issues. Also, on Saturday, October 30 there was a call to Jones Hookah Palace requiring responses from both the Kent Fire Department and the Sheriff’s Department at an event in which more than 300 attended and where firefighters and deputies heard references to weapons being hidden in the woods. Other incidents at the event demonstrated a disregard of guidelines set forward for ownership and management of the facility. Consequently, all three trustees agreed to issue a cease and desist order and that all operations of the business be shut down. The prosecutor’s office will be asked to notify the owner and his legal counsel of this as soon as possible.

A representative of the Twin Lakes Association expressed gratitude for the excellent job that Richard Smith, township Fire Inspector, does for the township and its residents.

A Newcomer Road resident voiced concerns about a number of problems he sees with new housing development in his neighborhood. The resident was advised to contact the EPA with his concerns, and it was confirmed that trustees would drive to the development and take a look.

Road Report
Submitted as written and attached to the record. In addition, all plow trucks are repaired and ready for plowing, November chipping is done and parks are being prepared for winter.

Fire Report
Submitted as written and attached to the record. Mod Wash is now operating and Gabriel Brothers' new egress doors are now functional. Also, the house on Cherry Lane which was inspected has been deemed unfit for human habitation. A sign will be posted that no fire personnel should enter the building in case of fire.

Zoning Report
Submitted as written and attached to the record.

Old Business
Trustee Scott Swan moved the launch of a JEDD exploratory committee comprised of interested persons to share ideas; all three trustees approved. Interested persons should contact the township administrator.

A special meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 7th to discuss a revised job description for the position of road superintendent.

The township’s legal counsel is drafting a letter on behalf of the township affirming our position that the contract with the Solid Waste Management District should be upheld.

Trustee Keith Benjamin suggested the township look into the installation of solar panels at the maintenance garage; he also suggested that stop signs with flashing lights at the top be considered for some of the high volume areas.

Emergency medical and fire services contract talks between the township and the City of Kent are nearing completion. The township agrees to a seven or ten-year contract with a $40 cap on per call rate increases annually; all existing township-owned fire vehicles and equipment will be turned over to the city. Additionally, Chief Bill Myers reported that a para-medicine service will be launched in early 2022 which he expects will significantly reduce the number of non-emergent calls addressed in the city and the township.

Payment of bills totaling $115,784.32 was approved by all three trustees.

Which members of the board/council were present: Ann Hanna, Keith Benjamin, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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