1/21/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

1/21/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council Committee Meetings

Date of Meeting: 1/21/2024

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Regular City Council, Feb. 21, 2024

Changes in the Fire Department:

  • New Fire Chief: James “Jamie” Samels
  • Two new firefighters/paramedics:
  • Ethan Murphy & Nate Fabinak
  • Promotions:
    • Ron Jacob was promoted to Lieutenant, and Shawn Baynes was promoted to Captain.

Public Comments:

  • All public comments dealt with the proposed elimination of the Architectural Review Board (ARB):
    • Realtor Allan Orashan urged the Council to reconsider the disbanding of the ARB. ARB needed to provide planning and advice, especially if the historic district is created.
    • Julie Kenworthy, director of the Kent Historical Society, encouraged creating a historic district in downtown and the ARB continue as an advisory group.
    • Retired architect Doug Fuller encouraged keeping the ARB as an advisory committee, noted that the ARB had existed as an advisory body in 1990s and was beneficial to the community. “Good quality developers like good quality guidelines.”
  • Written Communication included:
    • Kenneth Crookston applied to Planning Commission (two openings available).
    • Ohio Ethics Commission reminded that elected officials need to file financial disclosure statements.
    • Four applications to Board of Zoning Appeals (3 openings) and one application for Planning Commission, Interviews scheduled for March 6 meeting.

Standing Committees and Legislation:
Committee of the Whole:
2024-011 An ordinance approving the current replacement pages to the city of Kent codified ordinances and declaring an emergency (authorized) – unanimously approved

Community Development:
Two actions were recommended:

  • 1. approval of two sign variances with an emergency clause (unanimously approved)
  • 2. disbanding the Architecture Review Board: Celko (Ward 1) moved that the disbanding of the ARB go back to the committee for further discussion so that the community could be more involved.
    • Discussion ensued: Shaffer Bish said she supported that measure, would allow further discussion.
    • Sidoti said it would allow a look at how the overlay district might become a historic district and the ARB might fit in. He also said personal attacks on the Staff need to stop
    • Unanimously approved.
  • 2024-011: An ordinance authorizing the staff of Community Development Department to administer the review of zoning and building permits in the overlay district while the city transitions to the new design guidelines and declaring an emergency. Because there was not enough votes to require an emergency. This measure was approved 6 to 2 as a first reading. This measure then will need to go through two more readings – and two more votes – before it can be approved.

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities:

  • 2024-013: An ordinance authorizing the city manager or his designee to approve a new special event application from the Kwent Jaycees known as “Kent Craft Beer Festival” to be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, and the temporary closure of N. Water St. between Main St. and Portage, and declaring an emergency. Unanimously approved.
  • 2024-014: An ordinance accepting and authorizing the city manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the city of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in .153 acres of real property from the David J. Bonnar, bishop of the diocese of Youngstown, and with the city obtaining a temporary easement, for right of way purpose, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as E. Main St. improvement project, and declaring an emergency. Unanimously approved
  • 2045-015: An ordinance accepting and authorizing the city manager or his designee to execute an agreement between Slightly Toasted LLC and the city of Kent, Ohio, with the city obtaining a temporary easement, for right of way purposes, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as E. Main St. improvement project from Slightly Toasted LLC and declaring an emergency. Unanimously approved.

Finance Committee

  • The following ordinances were unanimously approved:
  • 2024-016: An ordinance to submit documentation to Portage County Land Revitalization documentation Corp. to get funding assistance; 2024-017: An ordinance to amend ordinance 2023-97 to adjust appropriations, transfers and advances from various funds of the city to individual accounts to individual accounts to cover expenses of the city; 2024-018: An ordinance to allow city manager or designee to accept Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC) 2024 community event sponsorship award ($2000); 2024-019: An ordinance to allow city manager or designee to accept NOPEC energized community grant award ($48,800); 2024-020: An ordinance to authorizing city of Kent to submit a grant application request for $15,00- to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Public Water System Grant) and to accept the grant if awarded and execute the agreement.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

  • Shaffer Bish: Moves to send to committee a proposal to create a historic district. Seconded by Sidoti. Shaffer Bish said all constituencies need to come to the table, which can be seen as economic development measures, what standards, and where the historic district would be. Rosenberg said there was no support from building owners. Vote 7 to 1 (Rosenberg)
  • Sidoti explained that Parks and Recreation is not under the City Manager but under the City Council. he moved that the Park and Recreation Board and Director be invited to a meeting of the whole committee in April so they could hear about the survey and master plan. Seconded by DeLeone. Unanimously approved
  • New meeting time for council: 7 p.m.

Adjourned to go into executive session: to meet with an attorney to discuss disputes involving the public body that is subject to pending or imminent court action.

Which members of the board/council were present: Melissa Celko, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, president pro temp, Ward 2; Chis Hook, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5, Jeff Clapper, Ward 6; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large, Roger Sidoti, At Large. Absent was Robin Turner, Ward 3

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

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