12/19/2022 - Rootstown Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

12/19/2022 - Rootstown Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 12/19/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Lion’s Club Good Awards were presented to
Lane Arbogast (elementary school), Braden Doherty (middle school), and Zachary Hayes (high school).

Treasurer Connie Baldwin and Superintendent Andrew Hawkins gave a Permanent Improvements (PI) presentation. The first PI levy was passed in 1998 and is up for renewal every five years. The current levy generates $415,000 per year and expires in 2023. Cash flow estimates show a deficit by 2025. The middle school was built in 1917; latest renovations were in 1976. The elementary school was built in 1957; last renovations were in 1972. The high school was built in 1966. Superintendent recommends placing a PI levy on the November 2023 ballot for facility updates. In preparation for this, the Board voted unanimously to engage Hasenstab Architects to assist with design/cost of renovations.

The Board passed a variety of routine resolutions pertaining to donations, contracts, and personnel matters. The district will be using Final Forms (online form submission for parents and staff) for support services. This will streamline the collection and maintenance of documents such as student medical forms. Bus cameras are being installed.

Under new business: The district received a clean financial audit; the Board opted not to have a post-audit conference. School district group health insurance is available for purchase by any interested Board member; cost is approximately $1,900 per month.

Board adjourned into executive session to consider the discipline of a public employee.

Which members of the board/council were present: All present -- Jennifer Curall, Todd McEwuen, Craig Mullaly, Tom Siciliano, Amanda Waesch, Treasurer Connie Baldwin, Superintendent Andrew Hawkins

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Could not be found

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Rhonda Richardson

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