2/7/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

2/7/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council Committee Meetings

Date of Meeting: 2/7/2024

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council Committee Meetings

Committee of the Whole:

  • Codified Ordinance Book Replacement Pages: Motion to update ordinances into code with emergency. Approved unanimously.
  • City Hall Construction Update. Melanie Baker (service director) was sick so she wasn’t able to make a full report. Dave Ruller, city manager, said the drywall was completed on one floor.
  • Proposed Ward Map Revision: This was just a FYI on map 2. So no changes to vote on until the city gets a clarification on whether the map could be used in the 2024 election.

Community Development Committee:
Future Role and Responsibilities of the Architectural Review Board (ARB):

  • This was the most controversial measure at the council meeting. The whole issue of the new, revised design guidelines, which the Council has approved, requires some changes to the ARB. The choices were: Making the ARB advisory or 2. Eliminating the ARB.
  • The Council extensively questioned the choices. The following is the gist of the conversation:
    • Historical perspective: ARB was once advisory only (as Architectural Advisory Committee). When design guidelines were codified for the overlay district, ARB grew from an advisory board to one with new powers to be sure that the codified design guidelines were followed. Since the new guidelines are advisory only, ARB roles and responsibilities need to be redefined. If ARB is advisory only, the board would have little power. If the ARB is eliminated, the developers' plans would go immediately to the Planning Commission. The city staff would make recommendations to that committee. (The Planning Committee is a five-member committee of Kent citizens. There are currently only 3 members on that committee. There are no occupational or educational requirements for the planning committee. One audience member noted that the ARB comprises architects, designers, and/or urban planners.)
    • The city manager said that developers often meet with city staff to ensure their plans are consistent with the most current guidelines.
    • Two audience members spoke in opposition to the proposals. Both have served on ARB. Doug Fuller said development projects are almost always improved by the ARB. He urged delay while the council can review what the ARB has done in the past. Bridget Tipton asked for new guidelines but “never thought it would lead to the elimination of ARB.” Said an advisory board was illogical and that members of the Planning Commission did not have the same credentials as the ARB. Then, there was further discussion among the City Council Members.
    • In the end, there were two motions.
  • One was more housekeeping: approving a variance for two signs that are outside the overlay district, approved unanimously.
  • Then there was further discussion on the fate of the ARB.
  • Motion made to eliminate/disband the ARB with emergency, passed 5 to 3.

Streets, Sidewalks & Utilities Committee:

  • Craft Beer Festival Road Closure for the event sponsored by Kent Jaycees. The bridge is to be closed at Gougler. The Council approved unanimously to change traffic signs for the day with emergency. Unanimously approved.
  • Lake Rockwell Trail: City of Akron’s water source is Lake Rockwell, right of way runs through Kent. Jim Bowling, city engineer, asks for permission to execute a trail path above the Akron right of way through Kent. Ends near the Water Plant and Lake Rockwell, through Kent. Motion to execute the agreement with Akron, Kent to own and maintain the Pathway. Unanimously approved
  • East Main Street Project Right of Way Acquisitions: Property rights needed from owners for the E. Main Street Project. Two have already approved the fair market value for the right of way. Bowling asks for right to approve those agreement plus the anyone else who agrees to the fair market value without approval of Council, unanimously approved.

Finance Committee:

  • Portage County Land Bank Subrecipient Grant Agreement: Two blighted properties -- 331 Elm St and 266 N. Water St. Bridget Susel asks approval to transfer property to Land Bank. Unanimously approved.
  • Proposed 2024 Budget Appropriations Amendment. Move to Approve, approved unanimously

Which members of the board/council were present: Melissa Celko, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, president pro tem and Ward 2; Chis Hook, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Jeff Clapper, Ward 6; Michael DeLeone, at large; Gwen Rosenberg, at large; Roger Sidoti, at large. Absent was Robin Turner, Ward 3

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 