3/13/2025- Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

3/13/2025- Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Streetsboro Board of Education Regular Meeting

Date of Meeting: 3/13/2025

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

The Regular Meeting of the Streetsboro Board of Education was called to order on March 13, 2025, at 5:45 PM.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments.

The Minutes from the 02/13/2025 Regular Meeting were approved.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Athletic Director Randy Tevepaugh introduced coaches and athletes from winter sports teams. Milestones were reached in Boys' and Girls' Bowling, Boys' and Girls' Varsity Basketball, and Wrestling.
Members of the Math 24 Club from Henry Defer Intermediate and the Middle School were introduced to the Board to highlight academic success. The Club is about playing the Math 24 game, where students solve puzzles using basic operations to reach the number 24. Interest in participation has been growing. About 30-35 students currently meet regularly to play the Math Game. Students recently participated in a Portage County Tournament for 4th to 8th graders. Students demonstrated their prowess by solving random Math 24 puzzles for the Board.

A new initiative has been undertaken to highlight and honor student academic success. The Governor’s Merit Scholarship is a $5,000 merit scholarship awarded to all students in the top 5% of their class. The scholarship can be used at any Ohio college. Streetsboro will honor their top 8 students with a dinner. The students and their parents can also select one teacher to accompany them to the dinner. The first annual dinner will be held on April 6 at Twinsburg Hilton Inn. The idea is to create a memorable evening in celebration of academic achievement.

The Strategic Plan is moving forward. About 30 people are meeting the following week to comb through surveys and begin formalizing the plan.
On a safety note, the Superintendent is given more latitude to act when a student threatens the school.

The district will require that any folks giving students religious instruction first complete a background check.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The General Fund is doing better this month. There has been quite a bit of interest in the early retirement options presented by EPC. There is no data yet; faculty have until April 7 to turn in paperwork. The state is undergoing a budget review. The expectation is that there will be a reduction in school funding. The district will have a new levy on the ballot. A QR code was given that gives details on the levy. A fact sheet on the levy and funding of the school is also available on the school website.

CHIEF BUSINESS OFFICER REPORT: An agreement with P4S has been approved. The school is part of a consortium that can negotiate lower utility costs. The current agreement allows the district to lock in prices that are expected to go up.

The lots need seal coated. Approval is requested from the board to get that work done. Two safety grants have been received. The grants will help free up funds that would otherwise be needed to cover safety costs and will help offset the cost of seal coating the lots. The two grants are for $8,500 and $38,000.
The district must go out to bid for food service every five years. The process has just been completed. There were 8-9 vendors who showed up to learn information on submitting bids. Only three bids were received. The decision was made based on quality, cost, and prior experience. The district chose the food service vendor that it currently has.

A podium was made and donated at the cost of materials by a local woodworker.

BOARD REPORTS: The board is meeting with the Mayor of Streetsboro to discuss ideas for creating partnerships and community engagement.
The 5th graders have taken the PSAT, and the 11th graders have taken the SAT. State testing will begin in mid-April.

The band will present its final concert in the Spring and highlight seniors.

The Education Foundation approved a 1 Book 1 School grant to bring an author to meet with students.

As far as legislative updates, it is almost sure that public schools will be losing state funding,

All Board members approved CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS B to R. The April Regular Board meeting was moved to April 17.

There was no NEW BUSINESS.

There was no OLD BUSINESS.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 PM.

The following members of the board/council were present: Kristin Bedford, Tracy Campbell, Tonia Epple, Sara Scott. Absent was Kelly Rich

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Diana L. Skok

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