3/18/2025 - Kent City School Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

3/18/2025 - Kent City School Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Committee/ Council Observed: Kent City School Board

Date of Meeting: 3/18/2025

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

The March 18, 2025 board meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM with roll call and recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Dr. Justin Gates welcomed and introduced board members, administrators, staff, and visitors. Longcoy Elementary hosted this month’s meeting. Previous minutes were voted on and approved.

Parent Saul Planner addressed the board regarding his daughter’s experiences at Kent City Schools, specifically at Stanton Middle School. Currently, his adopted daughter is an 8th-grade student. By way of background, she is of Chinese and Vietnamese descent and a member of the LGBQ community. This parent wanted to thank the school district and the community for always providing a safe and supportive environment where she continues to thrive academically, musically, and athletically.

Principal Janice Swan introduced teacher Kristen Ross and counselor Ms Mauer, who reported on a recent inclusive field trip enjoyed by a group of students. Neighborhood Bridges helped finance this trip to a community gym facility. PT and OT therapists accompanied the group of 25 students, hoping to do this again.

Teacher Michele McCombs and PE teacher Sean Bates presented the cooperative program they have been implementing. They have been successfully incorporating PE and math. Movement is the expectation; learning has increased, and behavioral issues have decreased.
It was also noted that principal Janice Swan will retire at the end of the school year.

Treasurer Debby Krutz presented a detailed summary of the district’s finances.
Cash Summary: the General Fund received 7.6 million in tax advances in February. The Permanent Improvement fund shows a balance of $222,000. A roofing project estimated at $400,000 will begin in June, so a cash advance from the General Fund will be necessary. This will be repaid as revenue is received. 7.6 million has been obtained from real estate taxes, and more is anticipated. Rates on investments seem to be holding for now.

EXPENDITURES: 62% of appropriations have been spent. The Star Ohio money market rate is at 4.5% and is trending down. No rate cuts from the Feds are anticipated. Voted on and approved.

13 policies are to be reviewed and will be voted on next month.

Instructional materials for AP History were considered and will be voted on next month.

Title I services will be provided for students attending St Patrick’s and Stow Munroe Falls. Voted on and approved

Four roof sections at Roosevelt are scheduled to be replaced this summer. Bids have been received, and the Warner Company will complete the project. Voted on and approved.

A 2-year agreement to extend the contract with Power4 Schools was voted on and approved.

A 2-year contract extension for Aramark food service was proposed. Voted on and approved

A contract extension for 3 years with Star Therapy was proposed. Their PT and OT services have been excellent. Voted on and approved.

No requests were received.

A donation of $400.00 was received from the Kent Elks Club. Voted on and approved.

Treasurer Debby Krutz tearfully read a letter announcing her retirement effective August 1, 2025. She has been employed by the district since 1980. She was praised for her excellent service and will be sorely missed. Debby promised to guide her replacement to ensure a smooth transition. Voted on and approved.

The search for a new treasurer will begin. Voted on and approved.


Which members of the board/council were present? Colin Boyle, Alicia Crowe, Tiera Moore, Rebekah Wright Kulis, David Myers All present

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Name of Observer: Mary Myers

League to which this content belongs: 