3/20/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

3/20/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council Committee Meetings

Date of Meeting: 3/20/2024

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Regular Kent (OH) City Council Meeting

Public Comments:
Laura Monachi discussed a noise issue on S. Pearl St., which is a residential area. She reports that a resident was parking his semi at his home, getting up between 3 to 5 a.m., and idling the truck for about 30 minutes, which disturbs the neighborhood. She said she called the police, who said they could do nothing. She called the employer, who did nothing. She called her council representative (Jack Amrhein), who suggested bringing this before the council. She said it was against several city ordinances—3511.17, 3339.02, 509.12. She encouraged the council to consider changing laws so this does not happen. Semi Tractors don’t belong in a residential area on private residential property.

Tracey Wallach urged the council to reconsider ward boundaries. She encouraged putting it on the ballot in November so residents can vote on the ward boundaries.

The Robotics Team “Charged Up” talked about their successes in competition and encouraged the council to get the word out about their GoFundMe and Sponsorship so they can compete in a national competition in Houston, Tex.

Among the written communication submitted to Council:
Parta notified the Council that Karen Beck’s term on the Board would expire on June 30 and asked the Council to take action on reappointment or replacement of her.
Rick Hawksley sent an email to the Architectural Review Board.
The liquor License Transfer was requested from 429 E. Main St. to 605 E. Main St.; Chief Shearer had no objections. The motion to allow the transfer was unanimously approved.

Standing Committees & Legislation:

Committee of the Whole:
Motion to adopt Second Ward Changes and authorize staff to proceed with the legal descriptions. There was much discussion on this. The Final Council vote was a tie of 4 to 4, and the Mayor cast the deciding vote, allowing the adoption of Second Ward Changes.

Voting for Boards and Commissions:
Kenneth Crookston and Earl Clausson were appointed to the Planning Commission (2024-022, unanimously approved)
O’Livia Kennedy, Robert Szgeneda, and Earl Clausson were appointed to Zoning Appeals Board (2024-023, unanimously approved)

Community Development:
2024-024: Agreement Renewal with Haymaker Farmers’ Market for $1 from April until Nov. 30, 2024 – unanimously approved

2024-025: Ordinance authorizing amending the Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Program to a fixed interest rate – Unanimously approved.

2024-026: Resolution appointing Eric Helmstedter and reappointing Bridget Susel to the Tax Incentive Review Council – Unanimously approved

Health and Public Service Committee:
2024-029: Ordinance amending Section 509.12 of Codified Ordinances entitled “Unlawful Noise” – Passed (6 to 2 (DeLeone and Shaffer Bish) and 1 abstained (Turner)

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities:
2024-027: Ordinance authorizing East Main Street Agreement with the city of Kent, Kent State University and Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority and begin final phases of the project – unanimously approved

2024-028: Ordinance authorizing city to get the temporary easements for right-of-way purposes for the East Main Street Improvement project.—Unanimously approved.

Unfinished Business:
Shaffer-Bish moved that Tracey Wallach be appointed to Solid Waste Board. Unanimously approved.

New Business:
Amrhein moved that the issue of allowing semis parked on streets and driveways be put in committee. Unanimously approved.
Rosenberg moved to send to the committee whether interviews with possible candidates for committees and boards should continue. Motion carries 6 to 2 (Shaffer Bish and Turner against)

Councilmembers’ Comments:
Sidoti said the ceremony honoring Patrolman Butcher at the High School was uplifting and reflected a sense of community.
Shaffer Bish said the city needs to get the word out about how wards are changing after the November election.

Mayor’s Report:
April 8 Eclipse – wear special glasses
Staff worked hard on the ward changes and time to move on.

Which members of the board/council were present: Jack Amrhein, president pro tem and Ward 2; Melissa Celko, Ward 1; Jeff Clapper, Ward 6; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Robin Turner, Ward 3; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; and Roger Sidoti, At Large. Absent was Chris Hook, Ward 4

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 