3/22/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

3/22/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 3/22/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Public Comment
Chris Craycroft, Director of the Portage Park District, spoke to the Trustees about buying two parcels of land on Ravenna Rd. adjacent to the township garage. Plans for the land will be part of the expansion and redevelopment of Towner’s Woods, now that the Park District has taken ownership. She described some of the tentative plans for the park. Trustees will take the proposal under consideration.

Chief Myers reported that Station #2 is now open and that it provides much better and more comfortable accommodation for staff.

Zoning Report
Construction has begun on the building for the Human Bean business. The KSU golf course building is now demolished. A representative from the Portage Soil and Water Conservation District requests that any complaints about the Germaine Reserve be referred to them from now on.

Old Business
Negotiations with the City of Kent related to the annexation of Davey Tree’s parcel on the east side of Rt 43 are now complete, including acceptance of the request from the township that the clock for income tax sharing be delayed until income generation begins. A motion to accept the agreement was made and approved by all three trustees.

Interviews for the road superintendent position are ongoing.

Trustees are looking into converting the wooden walkway at Chase Park into a more modern and longer-lasting material and will put the process out for bids. There are considerations of raising it for easier maintenance access.

New Business
A new appointment to the BZA was approved.

Trustees discussed expanding the social media presence of the township via a FaceBook page.
There was concern about the labor involved in the upkeep, though it would be an effective way to communicate more effectively with township residents.

A plan to do a spring cleanup this year because last year was both successful and appreciated was approved by all trustees.

A request was received to use Chase Park for this year’s Chase Symposium; in addition, there is a proposal to have some tree planting in the park as part of the program. Trustees will seek more information about what the proposal involves.

The road crew has made a proposal to purchase a battery-operated saw for cutting pipe; exhaust from gas-powered saws is dangerous and saws are heavier. The purchase was approved by all trustees.

The Ravenna Road bridge replacement, a two-year project, is set to begin soon.

Payment of bills totaling $98,948.93 was approved

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

League to which this content belongs: 