3/6/2023 - Portage County Board of Elections - Observer Corps Report

3/6/2023 - Portage County Board of Elections - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 3/6/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

The minutes of February 22, 2023, were approved.

Old Business:  Director Lyons reviewed a scope of work proposal from Coastal Technology to inspect, and fix if necessary, the voting machines that were potentially damaged internally by the Christmas Eve flood. The BOE does not have funds in its budget to pay for this expense which will be approximately $130,000. Insurance will not cover the cost nor are grants available from the Ohio Secretary of State's office. The board voted to ask the Portage County Commissioners to provide funds for this expense.

New Business:  Previously, Denise Smith and Doria Daniels had been appointed to additional terms and sworn in. Denise Smith was reelected Chair of the Board; Faith Lyons and Terrie Nielson were elected Director and Deputy Director respectively. Victor Vigluicci, Portage County Prosecutor, administered the oath of office to Faith and Terrie and the four election clerks in the board office.

Which members of the board/council were present: Denise Smith, Chair; Members: Randi Clites, Doria Daniels, Amanda Suffecool; Faith Lyons, Director; Terrie Nielsen, Deputy Director

 Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: No

Name of Observer: Jane Preston Rose

League to which this content belongs: 