3/6/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

3/6/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council Committee Meetings

Date of Meeting: 3/6/2024

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Committee of the Whole:
Board and Commissions Interviews:
Planning (2 openings): Ken Crookston
Zoning Appeals (3 openings): O'Livia Kennedy, Robert Segenda, Earl Clausson. Council members were asking if Earl Clausson and Robert Segenda might be interested in serving on the Planning Commission instead.
Selections to be announced at the March 20 meeting

City Hall Construction Update: Melanie Baker gave an update, including 3/4 of the windows in, the main transfer switch delivered, pipe installation, and July finish still up.

Ward Map Changes follow-up: Hope Jones, Law Director, said the Earliest the map update would be used would be Primary 2025. Turner said he had not seen the final map. He moved to send it to the council meeting in April. It passed 7 to 1; Shaffer Bish voted against it.

Community Development Committee:
Haymaker Farmers Market Sub Lease Renewal: to begin first Saturday in April,
Motion needed with emergency, approved unanimously.

CDBG Staff Recommendations. Three priorities are to support low to moderate-income households. Engineering Dept. Elm Street Phase 2 (Dodge to S. Water): Funding Police--patrols in low-income households areas (e.g., bike and foot patrols to interact with the community); Family and Community Services for Homeless; Access Point - Lock apartments; Habitat for Humanity - Home repairs for Low and moderate-income seniors.

Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Program: Interest Rate Amendment -- 4 active loans, shift to fixed rate of 3 percent (from 75 percent of prime). Motion made with emergency passed unanimously

Economic Development Update made by Eric Holstedler, Economic Development Director. Lots of new and expanded businesses, including Klaben extension and renovation, CPR To Go, and Marco's Pizza. Some closings, including Campus Market, Rust Tech, and Flashes Chicken. Some hinted expansions. Total income tax is increasing (Kent State tax is increasing, but its portion is less). Labor Force slowing coming back. The biggest problem facing employers is upward pressure on wages.

Health and Public Safety Committee:
Joan Seiden, Kent City Health Commissioner, gives the Health Department Annual Report for 2023. Growing Services, 64 bike helmets given out, drug awareness day in August, Inspections at pre-Covid Levels.

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities Committee: East Main Street -- Construction and Maintenance Agreement (Jim Bowling reports). The model is similar to Summit St., which is underwritten primarily by grants. Asks approval of the partnership with Kent and Kent State. Moves to approve with Emergency. Unanimously approved.

Eclipse Update: New ordinance to append the previously approved ordinance on Street closures. Unanimously approved.

Executive Session to discuss board and commission appointments.

Which members of the board/council were present: Heidi Shaffer Bish Ward 5; Robin Turner, Ward 3; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; and Roger Sidoti, At Large. Absent was Chris Hook, Ward 4

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

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