4/11/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

4/11/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 4/11/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


Larry Jenkins and Mike Collins from the Portage County Engineer’s Office addressed all in attendance about Hudson Road project phases III and IV. Phase III will have a five-foot bike lane along the road’s west side and phase IV will have four-foot lanes on each side of the section. The projected completion of both projects is the end of August. The total estimated costs of both are $697,934, with OPWC reimbursement of up to $220,000 on phase IV. A Hudson Road resident had questions about ditching and water runoff and utility poles. Mr. Jenkins replied that drainage ditches would be moved laterally about four feet east and that utility poles would also be moved with no less distance between the ground and the wires than they are now.

Detective DeSerio reported 269 calls for assistance in March including areas such as fraud, premise and welfare checks, traffic stops, and assistance to other agencies.


Road Superintendent Dave Akerley’s report included quotes regarding paving needed on roads throughout the township. He proposed that the pipe work needed on Mockingbird Drive be done in-house at a savings of $24,000; this proposal was moved and approved by all three trustees. Another proposal to bring down up to 45 damaged and dying trees in Phillips Park was also approved unanimously.


Richard Smith reported that the pulling of permits needed to proceed with fire alarm replacement at the town hall are pending with the Kent Planning Department.


NOPEC grant funds totalling $47,869 must be spent by November of this year. There was a discussion of how to use these funds. Some options might be lighting for the Brady Lake baseball field, replacement of some street lights with mercury vapor lights, a digital information sign at the town hall, and mobile speed signs.

A public workshop for the updating of the township’s employee handbook will be held on Tuesday, June 6 at 6:00 p.m.

A resolution placing a moratorium on the construction of tiny homes in Franklin Township was approved by a vote of all three trustees. The trustees will research the impact of tiny homes in other communities across the country.


Legislation enacted in 2021 gives county boards of commissioners authority to restrict the construction of wind and solar farms. Franklin Township Trustees will respond that they do not want their authority to have such utility facilities restricted.

A resolution authorizing participation in an ODOT purchasing program for salt was approved unanimously.

Glenn Russell was appointed as CEO for Ohio Public Works Commission projects and contracts for the township by a resolution approved by all three trustees.

All three trustees approved a resolution authorizing the PC Engineer to prepare bid specs for Phases IV and V of the Hudson Road project.


Glenn Russell received a call regarding a chipping schedule. Mr. Ackerley responded that it is better if he responds to calls from residents because a street-by-street schedule is not practical.


Fiscal Officer Lise Russell described a bill recently being proposed in the Ohio Assembly (HB1) which, if passed, would drastically change funding at the local government level, placing an increased burden on residents.

Payment of bills totaling $225,090.08 was approved unanimously.

Which members of the board/council were present: Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan, and Glenn Russell.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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