4/11/2024 - Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

4/11/2024 - Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 4/11/2024

Format: In-person

Streetsboro Board of Education Meeting

Meeting Summary:

The Regular Meeting of the Streetsboro Board of Education was called to order on April 11, 2024, at 5:45 PM.

President Kristin Bedford opened the meeting with a Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: A concerned parent cited her concerns over student behavior during Indoor Recess at the Elementary School. Some students are exhibiting violent behavior towards their classmates to the point that police reports have been filed. The parent said that adult supervision during indoor recess is insufficient, and she feels that the violent behavior may harm her child and others. A second parent agreed with the first, confirming the problem of violent activities during recess and the need for the issue to be addressed. The second parent also stated that he would like to see Internet and Phone Safety taught at the Elementary level. Internet and Phone Safety is being taught to Middle and High Schoolers. He feels that students at the Elementary level will also benefit from the safety instruction.

The Regular Meeting Minutes from 3/14/2024 were approved.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Two fourth-grade teachers gave a presentation on the Medieval module to demonstrate the success of the new language arts curriculum. The board was allowed to look over the unit textbooks. One textbook can be reused, and students also receive a consumable workbook. The workbooks have practice tests that mirror the state tests. The staff wanted to make the experience fully immersive and fun for the students. Teachers and volunteers stayed over on the Friday evening before the unit started to transform the Fourth-grade hall into a medieval castle. The wall decoration material is reusable so that the transformation can be recreated annually. After six weeks of comprehensive learning that tied the medieval theme to vocabulary, reading, math, and science, students were treated to a culminating activity involving stations with various medieval-themed learning activities. The Society for Creative Anachronism was invited to give a presentation. Students had the opportunity to try archery, construct chain mail, learn history, participate in singing and dancing, and other activities. The staff wore costumes that day, and the food service even got involved by providing medieval-themed lunches.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Student fees are increasing next year. A designated account will be created to track tech fees. Separating the tech fees from other general expenses will allow for easier accounting and tracking. A new position has been designed for a part-time fiscal clerk. The district is entering into an Internet Service Agreement for the next school year. Additional funding has been received from the safety grant.

CHIEF BUSINESS OFFICER REPORT: The district is entering into a facility rental agreement for summer basketball camps, and the business office is also working on a Central Services Improvement summer project. Work on the Central Services building has gone out for bids. The building was built in 1971 and needs upgrades. A new door will be installed at the back of the building. A new heating unit will be installed. The structure will be resided and reinforced. Upgrades will be done to the roof and gutters. The front of the building will be repaved. Some areas of the concreted will be repaired or replaced. The total cost is expected to be around $725,000 (which includes a $70,000 contingency) and will come from the capital planning budget. Another slated upgrade to the WiFi at Henry Defer is also being made. The district can use federal funds for connectivity to offset the costs. The newly hired Food Service Director, Andrew Jackson, was introduced to the Board.

BOARD REPORTS: The Honor Society Ceremony was recently held. Middle School students were invited. It is an opportunity to encourage excellence in Middle Schoolers and show them why they want to join this group. State testing is underway in grades 3 through 8. The Chamber of Commerce honored thirty-four seniors for scholarships. The band is recruiting students for next year’s activities. At the State level, the board is waiting on budget announcements.

All Board members approved CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS B-P.

Superintendent Michael Dahlbaugh commented on the staff reduction. The contract for a first-year teacher at Defer Intermediate School will not be renewed. Mr. Dahlbaugh stressed that the decision was difficult and was not performance-based. The decision is based on numbers only. The position must be eliminated due to a decline in enrollment. The teacher involved exceeded all expectations for a first-year teacher. Upon learning his contract would not be renewed, he displayed a high degree of professionalism. Mr. Dahlbaugh expressed certainty that this individual will find a new position and have a bright career ahead of him.

A revision to the School Wellness Policy was approved.

There was no NEW BUSINESS.
There was no OLD BUSINESS.

The Board moved into an Executive Session at 6:40 PM.

Which members of the board/council were present: Kristin Bedford, Tracy Campbell, Tonia Epple, Kelly Rich, Sara Scott

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Diana L Skok

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