4/17/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

4/17/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council Committee Meetings

Date of Meeting: 4/17/2024

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Before the Public Comments, the Council waived the agenda and allowed Bridget Susel, director of Community Development in Kent, to speak about the marijuana moratorium. She said the moratorium is not a ban; it is an interim measure until Ohio provides rules on non-medical use of cannabis.

Twelve people spoke against the moratorium, and no one spoke in favor of it, with the exception of Susel. Those speaking against the moratorium included Pamela and Dwayne Sieman, co-owners of Bliss Ohio, the medical marijuana dispensary in Kent, who outlined their business practices, security, and community involvement.

The other eight speaking against the moratorium were Kent residents and/or students. Among the issues addressed: how Kent would lose business revenue—potential customers would go to Ravenna, Cuyahoga Falls, or the streets; people voted this in and should be followed in Kent; allows Bliss to pivot to recreational marijuana in addition to providing medical services, and may lead to a possible loss of jobs.

All public comments dealt with the marijuana moratorium

Written Communication:
Kent City Council acted on two pieces of written communication: Karen Beck sent in her application for the Parta Board, which the council approved unanimously, and Emily Mattern notified the council of her resignation from the Health Board, which the council also approved unanimously.

Committee of the Whole:
2024-030: A resolution appointing Jillian Tipton to the Parks and Recreation Board. Unanimously approved after extensive discussion.

2024-031: An Ordinance amending Section 105.01 of the codified ordinances of the city of Kent so as to subdivide the city into wards as required by section 731.06 of the Ohio revised code and section 64, article xiv, of the carter of the city of Kent, This has to deal with the ward boundaries required after the 2020 census. This has been a long-discussed issue. Turner and Shaffer Bish spoke out against the measure, pointing out various issues that must be addressed. The two voted against it, but the measure passed.

Finance Committee:
2024-032: An Ordinance authorizing the city manager or his designee on behalf of the city of Kent Parks and Recreation Dept. to donate to the Kent Youth Foodball and Cheer Organization, sports equipment and uniforms and waiving competitive bidding. Passed unanimously.

2024-033: An Ordinance authorizing the recycling of old Dell Traffic Servers that are no longer needed for municipal purposes. Passed unanimously

2024-034: An Ordinance accepting and authoring the city manager or his designee to execute the following agreements with the city of Kent with the city right-of-way purposes to install, construct, and reconstruct the roadway for the East Main Street Improvement Project project. Passed unanimously

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities:
2024-035: An Ordinance authorizing the city manager or his designee to approve a new special event application from Branded in Kent, known as “Earth Day Vendor Market,” to be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024, and the temporary closure of E. Erie Street between S. Water St. and the private Alley by Tree City Coffee, Passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business: Celko asked about noise complaints.

New Business: Hook asked a committee to look into the possibility of a Consent Agenda, asked the law department to look into it,


Executive Session:
To consider the purchase of property for public purposes, the sale of the property at competitive bidding, or the sale of unneeded, obsolete, or unfit-for-use property.
Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.

Return to Regular Meeting:
2024-036: An Ordinance accepting and authorizing the city manager or his designee to execute an agreement between Valvoline LLC and the city of Kent, with the city obtaining a permanent and temporary easement or right-of-way purpose for the project known as E. Main Street Improvement Project.

Results of this event were not recorded in the streamed meeting

Which members of the board/council were present: Melissa Celko, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, president pro temp, Ward 2; Robin Turner, Ward 3; Chris Hook, Ward 4; Heidi Shafer Bish, Ward 5; Jeff Clapper, Ward 6; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 