4/26/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

4/26/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 4/26/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


  • Township residents returned to address trustees about continuing issues with an area of their yard affected by the changing of the slope due to the Hudson Road Phase ll project. Improvements made to the road have caused a substantial change in the slope of their yard where it touches Hudson Road, preventing the owners from keeping that slope mowed. As a result, there is a buildup of sludge, previously identified as sewage runoff that gives off a strong odor and tall unsightly weeds and grasses grow causing a sightline danger for motorists attempting to turn onto Hudson Road from Gemberling. This has been brought to the board’s attention before. The owners have spoken to county officials. There have been digging crews out in previous years trying to address the water buildup. The owners want a solution that is acceptable to them without having the expense of buying a new push mower. Scott Swan suggested they contact Eric Long at Portage County Soil and Water and stated he would follow up with Mr. Long as well. He also asked Adam Boron who was in attendance representing the road department to make regular checks in that area to maintain a good sight line by mowing regularly.
  • Another resident addressed the trustees with the same concerns as the couple above. He stated that the sewage smell is very strong and prevents them from opening their windows.

Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record. Additionally, Mr. Swan asked Mr. Ciccozzi to keep an eye on what appears to be excess water runoff and flow from the Modwash location on ST. RT. 59. Mr. Boron commented that they did see a good deal of ice buildup in that location during the winter months.

Richard Smith reported that the addition being built by Schneller is passing all inspections thus far, most recently the sprinkler system, and should be receiving their occupancy permit soon to open it up.


  • Resolution 2022-19 is a resolution to proceed with the placement of a .5 mil road and bridge levy on the November ballot, certified by the county auditor’s office to generate an estimated $51,377 annually. The resolution was approved by a motion made by Scott Swan; 2nd Glenn Russell. All three trustees voted yes.
  • Discussion about the upcoming joint meeting with the Standing Rock Cemetery Board, City of Kent, and Franklin Township in May centered around the approval of these boards setting the tax rate at .6mil as approved last year. Mr. Russell will attend as the township representative to the Cemetery Board and express the township’s support.
  • As grant funding will not be available until next year for the replacement of the Chase Park Boardwalk, it was determined that the road crew can make the repairs necessary to maintain its safe use and stain it this year.
  • Negotiations for collective bargaining will begin next week. The current contract runs through mid-June of this year.
  • An amended assessment amount for the township leaf recycling program is needed to meet the cost of leaf pickup services. A motion was made by Glenn Russell to approve an assessment of $50.00 per residential unit (with approval to increase the amount to $51.25 which provides for a county administrative fee to collect the assessment on behalf of Franklin Township if needed to net $50.00 per unit); 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes.
  • Following a discussion about the nearing deadline of this round of OPWC funding applications, a decision was made to notify the Portage County Engineer’s Office of the intent to finish the Hudson Road project with Phase V, taking the paving to the city line. This was approved by a motion made by Scott Swan; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes.


The Connecting Communities Partnership Project supporting alternate transportation solutions along State Route 59 from Horning Road to state Route 261 is a partnership project with the City of Kent, PARTA, ODOT, and Franklin Township. One-third of the area is located in the city and two-thirds of the project area is located in Franklin Township. The project has reached the planning stage. A proposal will be presented to the Kent/Franklin JEDD Board Wednesday, April 27, 2022 asking the JEDD Board to pay the estimated $30,000 planning fee. Approval of this proposal was given by a motion made by Glenn Russell; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes. This motion included the provision that should the JEDD Board opt not to pay or contribute to the fee the township will pay a shared portion not to exceed $6,000.

Two communications from Horning Road residents about grates either rusted out or lifted off leaving holes were received. The road crew replaced the cover on one and will inspect the reportedly rusted one.

Payment of bills, warrants #25776 through 25780, including payment vouchers and totaling $16,853.79 was approved by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.

At 8:15pm a motion to suspend the regular session and enter executive session for the purpose of discussing the employment and compensation of a public employee (ORC 121.22) (G) (1) was made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Glenn Russell. All three trustees voted yes.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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