5/12/2022 - Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

5/12/2022 - Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 5/12/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Public Comments:
2 women made comments, 3 minutes each, concerning bus service for Valley Christian Academy in Aurora. They indicated it has not been provided primarily because of a lack of staff (available drivers). Ohio law states that districts not providing bus services compensate parents between $538 and just over $1000 per student, but Streetsboro only sends $400 per student. The board did not respond to their comments.

Superintendent's Report:

Presentation by staff about plans for 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade trips next spring.
Sixth grade will attend Camp Hiram House at a cost of $150 per student. Seventh grade will take a day trip to Pittsburgh at a cost of $180-215 per student. Eighth grade will take a two-night trip to Washington, D.C. In all three cases, activities will be tied to the curricular goals and standards of more than one of the following: science, social science, language arts, technical arts, and mathematics. There will be an information night in the fall for families, as well as fundraisers throughout the year with payments spread out, as well. For all trips, there are plans for security, safety, and food accommodations. No student will be turned away over a funding issue--the district always finds a way for all students to participate in the trips.

Director of Curriculum/Instruction on test scores
Spring testing covering math, science, and the social sciences (5th grade, 8th grade, high school) indicates that Streetsboro schools have successfully bounced back from any loss of progress due to the pandemic since the spring of 2020. Science proficiency went up, as well as the number of students in the advanced categories. Science scores made the greatest gains, as did high school American history and government scores. 2018-2019 had been the best year ever for Streetsboro schools, and the 2022 tests were back to the level or above across the board.

Treasurer's Report:

  • For April, expenditures exceeded revenue because there were 3 payrolls over the course of the month rather than the usual 2.
  • Report of plans for investments over the next 5 years taking into account cash flow, maturity distribution, current economic conditions, and timing of public school levies. Commercial paper certificates remain a safe investment. There was also discussion of the impact of HB 110 Fair School Funding and the American Rescue Plan ESSER Grant. $9 million levy will expire in 2025.
  • Only about 25% of revenue comes from the state of Ohio, local taxpayers provide about 75% of funding. At the local level, about 2/3 of the revenue comes from residential property taxes and about 1/3 comes from businesses. About 85% of expenditures go to salaries and benefits.
  • All of the above can be found in the district financial section of the district website and is open for all to see--this is a 22-page report.

Chief Business Office's Report:

  • A valued bus driver passed away after 28 years of service, and the Board observed 28 seconds of silence in her memory.
  • District Technology Coach reported on the SCS Staff Spotlight program (DLT initiative) that allowed staff to recognize staff with weekly info and graphics.
  • Report on Benq Interactive Display Boards, classroom integration, and chrome book collection and distribution.
  • A long-out of service school bus will be sold to the fire department to be used for training. Grimm will abstain from voting (ties to fire dept), and the fire department will receive no monetary gain from the transaction--after training is complete, it will be towed away for scrap. Training will include practicing cutting into the bus in various places safely in preparation for future emergencies.

Last on the meeting agenda were board reports, the consent agenda, and the superintendent's recommendations about staff hirings and certified or classified contracts, in addition to the treasurer's recommendations, and new and old business. The Board then went into executive session.

Which members of the board/council were present: Brian Violi, Tracy Campbell, Kevin Grimm, Kristin Bedford, Robert Fulton


Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Kim Gruenwald

League to which this content belongs: 