5/19/2021 - Brimfield Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

5/19/2021 - Brimfield Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 5/19/2021

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

As provided by Nic Coia


1) Hamrick Manufacturing will be building a new facility on Maplecrest Property

2) Maplecrest has new retail facilities that submitted to regional planning for approval

a. Valvoline

b. Wavewash

c. Aldi

3) 4 properties are moving forward with demolition due to noncompliance with zoning codes and/or other local and state codes


Police Department

1) Kindergarten Safety School will not be happening this year due to several factors. However, we are exploring a safety day that would be in conjunction with Field Local Schools.

2) Currently searching for part-time police officers

3) The Police Department has started a post-service survey for resident feedback on their interactions with our police department


Fire Department

1) Welcome to our newest staff member, Trevor Baugher

2) New firefighter test will be held on June 8th

3) Fire station building moving forward



1) Soccer fields continue moving forward and will be adding a soccer wall for practice and a place for business sponsor signs in conjunction with Field Youth Soccer

2) Working with Kent State University on an internship program


Road Department

1) Sugar Maple road project moving forward. The project will consist of milling the road, a layer of chip and seal, and then 1.5” motor pavement to top it off

2) Applying for a grant to resurface Cascades Road


Parks and Rec

1) Playground equipment almost completed

2) Dog park grant has been submitted awaiting, results

3) Fall Community Event will be on September 10th and September 11th

a. This will be in place of Brimfest for 2021, with plans to bring Brimfest back in 2022!

b. Looking to have music, food, activities, vendors, and our annual Pancake Breakfast for our veterans.

4) Looking into parks position as an internship or part-time position for additional parks events and projects

Which members of the board/council were present: Nic Coia, Sue Fields, Mike Kostensky

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

League to which this content belongs: 