5/24/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

5/24/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 5/24/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


  • Mr. Swan prefaced a public comment by stating for the record that there have been an increasing number of complaints about off road vehicles, loud vehicles, speeding, noise disturbances, etc. from several areas around the township, specifically in Brady Lake, Twin Lakes, and near the Powdermill Road area.
  • PCSO – Detective Nick DeSerio – provided a printed report of sheriff responses in Franklin Township for the month of April. A total of 248 calls were answered last month, including but not limited to traffic stops and citations, parking violations, assistance with other agencies and rescue calls, disturbances, well checks, accidents, and suspicious persons/vehicles. Detective DeSerio then addressed the off-road vehicles and noise issues. Because the noise disturbance provisions in the township are located in the Zoning Resolution, the sheriff’s office does not have the authority to enforce the zoning code. As a possible solution, Detective DeSerio is formulating a report format that can be filled out by officers responding to complaints made by residents that can be forwarded to the township. This report can be used as supporting documentation for the issuance of a zoning violation. Mr. Swan also spoke to Brett Bencze in the prosecutor’s office about this and Mr. Bencze is doing some fact-finding on ways these complaints can be addressed and hopefully resolved.
  • A representative of the Twin Lakes Association sent an email asking that it be read into public comment letting the board know that the association is grateful for the support and professionalism gave by the road crew for their help with woodchips used to beautify area triangles.
  • A resident of the Brady Lake area expressed continuing concerns about the catch basin grate across the street from his home. In heavy rains, the grate pops off and poses a safety concern. He has been replacing it himself but asks that the road crew address it and make whatever repairs are necessary to stop it from happening. Mr. Russell and Mr. Swan assured him the township would follow up.

Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record.

Richard Smith reported that the final inspection is upcoming for the addition at Schneller and all is expected to go well. Also, Ashton Communications has been in touch with him regarding the old Brady Lake school property condominiums. Mr. Grimm, who manages the property, will be having a new electrical panel installed to solve electrical issues. Kent Fire Chief Bill Myers then added that the City of Kent has been working with a company called Mobilize that helps with inspection reporting on site while in the field. The city is sharing this training with Richard Smith to assist him as he conducts inspections throughout the township.


  • The sinkhole on Clyde Street in Brady Lake has been repaired by the H. Luli Construction company and the work appears to have been done well. Issues regarding noise complaints were addressed during public comment.
  • Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations have been taking place with the Teamsters Local Union #24. Glenn Russell reported that an agreement has been reached and the union ratified the three-year contract this week. It is a fair contract for both the road crew and the township. Mr. Swan and Ms. Kapusta thanked Mr. Russell for his efforts in reaching the agreement.
  • Resolution 2022-22 approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Teamsters Local Union #24 was approved by a motion made by Scott Swan; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes.

The discussion was initiated by Glenn Russell about what the summer maintenance schedule for the road crew should look like. He met with the crew at the garage this week and they gave their input on what the priorities should be and a timeframe, barring emergencies that crop up. After discussion it was determined that from now through August the crew will focus on line striping, trim and mowing, and repairs to the Chase Park boardwalk. The purchase of white paint, yellow paint, and glass beads for the reflectivity for line striping totaling approximately $8,000 was approved by the board. The plan is that come September the crew can then focus on ditching, culverts, etc. Quotes were received by Sealmaster and DJL Material and Supply for two types of cracksealing material, one being more expensive but much easier to use, quicker to apply and quicker to dry. A motion to move forward with the higher-grade material from Sealmaster was made by Scott Swan; 2nd Glenn Russell. All three trustees voted yes. Mr. Swan asked that each trustee look at the lists of roads provided by the road department in need of paving so that decisions can be made at the next meeting.

Mr. Swan reported that all three trustees and the fiscal officer attended the quarterly Portage County Township Association meeting held at the PC Engineer’s office last Saturday. The meeting was a good gathering of Portage County officials and many departments were represented. The meeting was very informative. Also, Ms. Kapusta spoke with resident TJ Wright regarding a third motor vehicle accident in his front yard at the roundabout located at Powdermill and Summit Roads. She spoke with Mike Collins at the engineer’s office who stated they will conduct a traffic safety study.


  • Resolution 2022-23 – a resolution authorizing the creation of a Leaf Recycling Fund 2500 was approved by a motion made by Glenn Russell; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes. The purpose of the new fund is to keep all leaf recycling assessment revenue and expenditures deposited in and paid out of the special levy revenue fund.
  • Payment of bills, warrants #25792 through 25805, including payment vouchers since the last meeting and totaling $16,050.74 was approved by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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