5/28/2024 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

5/28/2024 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 5/28/2024

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Mr. Russell called the meeting to order, then took a moment to acknowledge the passing of longtime township resident Ron “Red” Nichols, a regular fixture at township meetings who friends and family will sorely miss.


A North Blvd resident came to apologize for the state of the property he owns on West Blvd, pleading that he be allowed time to have the structure inspected by contractors so that he can decide whether to rehab the house or allow it to be razed. Mr. Ciccozzi stated that, provided there is regular contact between them and progress, the request would be granted. The trustees agreed with this decision.

A Brady Lake area resident addressed the board regarding the ongoing vacation of a portion of Washington Street.

A representative of the Twin Lakes Association expressed gratitude to the road crew and Mr. Akerley for taking care of a downed tree on Diagonal Road despite it being on a county road.

Mr. Russell noted that Keith and Wendy Benjamin are moving this week and spoke to their many years of devoted service to the township.


A warrant will be sought to inspect a structure on Park Ave.; all three trustees approved this. Mr. Ciccozzi has contacted Mr. Frankhauser concerning solutions to the parking problem on Lakeview Drive in front of the lake. The trustees would like a document of agreement by any neighbors affected by any walk-way or right of way by any plan. The trustees agreed that Mr. Akerley would be a good point person to answer any questions residents might have.

After discussing the tree removal work needed in Phillips Park, Mr. Swan asked that at least one more quote be sought for this work. There was also a discussion of playground mulch on order for three township parks.

Mr. Smith reported that a new alarm panel has been installed at the Burnt Pickle, which should alleviate problems with alarms going off. Mr. Smith has contacted the county auditor’s office to get information about how Portage County residents are paying for fire and EMS protection.


A resolution authorizing the county engineer to begin the application process for Hudson Road resurfacing was approved by all three trustees.

All three trustees approved a resolution authorizing the county engineer to set advertising dates and a bid opening date for the OPWC Sixth/Ohio project.

Mrs. Kapusta reported that the SR 59 Connecting Communities project will break ground near Horning Rd. in the fall of this year but will not include Franklin Township until 2027.

The trustees will visit Phillips Park to scout the best locations for the Pickleball Courts.


There have been calls to the township office regarding the warning siren on Ravenna Rd., which is no longer operative. Mr. Smith will investigate what maintenance needs to be done, who will maintain it, and who will be in charge of activating it when necessary.

After discussion, it was decided that more quotes should be sought for window cleaning at the town hall.

Mrs. Kapusta reported that installation of a paved walkway around Brady Lake Park will begin in three weeks. Playground equipment updates are tentatively scheduled for the fall of this year. Also, recent criminal activity in the park, including theft of a small library box, has reinforced the need for security lighting.


Mrs. Russell reported vagrant activity in Chase Park, including a portable toilet used as shelter. Bill Russell, COO for Coleman, says employees have seen increasing levels of vagrant and homeless people on their township property.

Mr. Russell spoke to Kent Mayor Fiala regarding the township’s participation in next year’s Memorial Day parade. Both trustees and the mayor were supportive.

A Clio Drive resident reported continued water issues; the road department will make the necessary fix to fill in the lowest area.

A proclamation was issued to the Kent Roosevelt Forestry and Landscape Management program students for their dedication and hard work cleaning up invasive species and planting an American Sycamore tree in Phillips Park. The proclamation will be presented to the students and the Kent Board of Education.

A Ferguson Road resident contacted Mr. Swan about increased speed issues there. She asked that the speed warning mobile sign be placed in the area, and Mr. Swan will pass this request on to Mr. Akerley.

Mr. Ciccozzi reported that employees at the Raccoon Hill golf course request that the ditch along Spell Road is trimmed as soon as possible to permit the safe crossing of golf carts.


A hearing to adopt the 2025 Tax Budget will be held on June 25, 2024, at 6:45, followed by a bid opening for the OPWC Sixth/Ohio project and the regular trustee meeting.

Payment of bills totaling $18,104.23

After an executive session to discuss a personnel matter, a motion was made to hire a new full-time road crew employee pending a review of his references. All three trustees voted yes.

The July 9 meeting will be canceled due to a lack of quorum.

The members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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