5/3/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

5/3/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council Regular Meeting

Date of Meeting: 5/3/2023

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council Committee Meeting, May 3, 2023

This meeting veered from the agenda issued for this meeting. Only two items were covered by the time the streamed meeting -- YouTube -- was cut off at 2: 27:29.

Land Use Committee:
The longest amount of time was spent on the Land Use Committee matter on the unusual request to detach land from Kent to Franklin Township. Here are the arguments for and against and the Kent City Council action that followed the discussion:

  • In 2005, 49 acres of the old Lappin Farm was transferred from Franklin Township to Kent. Subsequently, 10 of those acres developed into the Forest Lake Subdivision.
  • Eric Kolb, who owns 39 acres which is now part of the city of Kent, requested that that his land be "detached" from the city and be returned to Franklin Township. In order to do this, Kent City Council had to agree to the action.
  • This is an unusual, controversial action opposed by residents of the Forest Lakes Subdivision, which adjoins the Kolb property.
  • Kolb has asked for this "detachment" because he plans to return the land to its ""agricultural use."" The land is currently zoned R2. Kent City cannot--does not--provide any services. Kolb cites city ordinance 709.38, which would allow the detachment.
  • Bridget Susel, Kent Community Development Director, and attorney Eric Fink discussed the issue and the nuisances associated with 709.38. One of the key elements deals with whether the action would be in the "best interests" of the community
  • A number of residents of the Forest Lakes Subdivision testified. Among the issues addressed: detachment would not be in the interest of the Forest Lakes Development, need Kent's protection; potential safety issues -- can county sheriff provide protection; environment concerns, the land is wetlands -- Kent has responsibility to keep wetlands in city, forged in Glacier period; property tax ramifications; detachment provides no advantage to Kent.
  • Jason Kolb, the owner's brother, said the family wants to use land for personal use; the brother is a "gentleman farmer," surprised by the well organized opposition to the measure.
  • Lots of questions from the city council members. City Council votes unanimously to oppose the detachment. Next step is lawsuit.

Health and Public Safety Committee

  • Review and Acceptance of Trash and Recycling Bid. Melanie Baker, Public Service director, said Republic has submitted the low bid for both trash and recycling. Portage County Recycling did not submit a bid for recycling. Republic had a low bid for the five-year contract (the 2023-2024 contract is renewable). The contract offers five levels of service, a reduction in charges, spring clean up, and 3x a week pick up to downtown business cans.

After 2 hours and 27 minutes, the streaming went off. Thus, this report only deals with these matters.

Which members of the board/council were present:  Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;  John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 