5/9/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

5/9/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 5/9/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

The township administrator, Jenny August, opened bids submitted for phases III and IV of the Hudson Road project. The three project bids will be submitted to the Portage County Engineer’s office for verification and a recommendation.


Several Twin Lakes residents shared concerns about a residence on Skyview for possible criminal activity. Detective DeSerio will share the location with the drug enforcement task forces associated with the sheriff’s office. Detective DeSerio also suggested that residents who witness possible criminal activity contact the sheriff’s department to file a report.

Detective DeSerio reported call statistics for April, including other agency assists, shots fired, suspicious persons and events, domestic situations, thefts, traffic stops, and welfare checks, among others, for 283 calls.


Mr. Ciccozzi reported that there is no single place where paper road location information is kept; therefore, a resident who seeks to have a specific paper road vacated must hire a surveyor to devise a Replat map and submit it to the county tax department. It would then be forwarded to the county engineer's office for approval or veto. There was also a discussion of provisions needed for outdoor dining in township establishments. So long as the building department is satisfied that ADA guidelines have been met, outdoor dining has no other hurdles for approval.

ROAD REPORT and FIRE REPORT: Submitted and attached to the official record.


A brief survey was conducted at the spring clean-up regarding citizen priorities. Road maintenance, leaf pick-up, and snow removal were the highest priorities, with the township website being listed as the most popular choice for communication. In addition, pickleball courts, ballfield lighting, and restrooms at township parks were popular choices.

Regarding brush chipping and leaf pickup at The Pines, there is a concern about liability since the roads are private, though there is an agreement that the residents are entitled to services.
While leaf pick-up is already occurring, brush chipping is more complicated because of the nature of the equipment used. Mr. Bencze will draft an agreement to be signed by the Pines HOA to address the liability issue.

An agreement regarding using the ball field in Brady Lake Park has been drafted. While the community is welcome to use the field when not used by Special Olympics, competitive teams will not be permitted to schedule practices and games.

There was a discussion, including Detective DeSerio, about the possible use of flock cameras in the township, used in some communities to supply information to law enforcement about such things as hit and runs, Amber Alert notices, and other issues related to criminal activity. The topic will remain open for further discussion.

A Brady Lake area resident would like a more specific shipping schedule provided by the road superintendent. Mr. Ackerley responded that because of the indeterminacy of weather, the volume of brush being collected, and other unexpected township needs, a more specific schedule is not practical.

Payment of bills totaling $61,248.01 was moved and approved by all three trustees.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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