6/1/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

6/1/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 6/1/2022

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

City Council dealt with a variety of city committees in this meeting. This report is based on each committee matter.

Committee of the Whole:
Board, Commission, and Committee Interviews.

  • The Council works through its committees that are made up of Kent residents.
  • Five applied to be a part of the Flag Redesign Committee. They were: Kenny Kerstine; Zach Garster, a graphic designer; Valerie Lunden; Mario Morales; and Jonathon Reiderger.
  • One person applied for the Parta Board -- Tracy Wilson, who wants to deal with two issues -- equal access and climate crisis.
  • The vote on this will be at the next council meeting.
  • By far the greatest amount of discussion at the council meeting dealt with the proposed Community Liaison position. This issue has been going on for a number of months. At the last meeting, NAACP offered a formal presentation on how to achieve greater diversity and equity in the city. (See report for the May 4 and 18 council meeting.)

Here is a summary of the council discussion:

  • Kent City Manager Dave Ruller recommended the creation of a new part-time position as community liaison, a "nuts and bolts" position that would publicize what the city is doing, be an "ambassador" to the many minority groups within the community, and help with recruitment. He said he talked to all department heads before making this recommendation.
  • Ferrara asked who would this person be reporting to? Ruller said it would be to HR, Law, and directly to him. Kuhar asked about the job description. Ruller said that would require more work. Shaffer Bish wanted to work on the job description and the need for goals/benchmarks to gauge success. She also noted the importance of engaging the diverse communities living in Kent. Sidoti preferred the idea of an ombudsman idea. He was impressed with the data that the NAACP had provided, especially as it relates to employment. Turner said there are no special interests, "just interests," need to create an opportunity for success, and community outreach, to identify where people are not being served. Wallach said this is the time to have this happen.
  • The discussion really focused on employment, and how to get job applicants that reflected the diversity in the community. Shaffer Bish argued that liaison was only one part of job; research was another key part. Shaffer Bish emphasized the job description and prioritized the skills needed for the job, e.g. marketing, research, and a number of different skill sets.
  • After about an hour of discussion, Ruller said now that he has the council's views he'll go back and define the description more fully.

Community Development Committee:

  • Trex Agreement for Aces Enterprises. The new restaurant is coming to town, an adult/upscale restaurant called The Standard. The Council approved the license unanimously.

Land Use Committee:

  • Proposed Zoning Code Map Amendments: Two matters, each opposite each other on Rte. 43. Both are to be zoned IR (Industrial Research). One the golf course and the other the old Franklin School Property (now owned by Davey Tree). After discussion, Council unanimously approved the rezoning for both parcels.
  • Heritage Fest Fireworks. There will be a 17-minute fireworks show at the Heritage Fest but it will cost more. The cost goes from $162.000 to $169,000 (3-year price guarantee). Council approves it unanimously.
  • Body Armor Grant from Ohio Law Enforcement Body Armor program. Unanimously approved
  • K9 Ballistic Vest Donation from Brady K9 Fund. Unanimously approved.

Finance Committee

  • Budget Appropriation Amendment #3 Approved unanimously

Council then went into executive session.


Which members of the board/council were present: Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2; John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large and.Robin Turner, Ward 3.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 