7/20/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

7/20/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 7/20/2022

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Regular Council Meeting:

Citizen Acts of Kindness and Heroism. The Council acknowledged the kindness/heroism of a group of youngsters who helped a partially paralyzed man who was stuck in the culvert. The boys lifted the mower out of the culvert and helped the man out. The boys got a round of applause from everyone attending, a donation for each (amount not disclosed), and free subs for a year from Robert Nelson, who owns the sub shop.

Citizen comments:

  • Jenna Craviac (Trenton Trail) -- spoke in favor of controlling the sale of vapes in the city.
  • Christopher Myers (Elm St.) -- said he was spit upon while protesting in front of the Franklin Deli, opposed the proposed $400 license charge for tobacco, and didn't like Biden's policies in the Ukrainian War.
  • Heidi Sommerville (Rose Court) complained about her neighbor's fireworks antics over the 4th, asked city council to ban fireworks in Kent again. Mayor said he and many on the council had gotten lots of complaints about it.
  • City Manager's Report -- Kent named one of the best small towns in Ohio by Ohio Magazine.
  • Although he didn't give the issue, it will probably be appearing in the August issue.

Committee business:


  • Recommended authorization of an amendment to the city's housing rehab loan to align with state's new policy for owner-occupied housing assistance program policy


  • 2022-071--Tobacco Products Sales Licensing Ordinance. The license costs $400, no sales to those under 21, needs to card the customer; retailers to get training, and requires compliance checks. After a lengthy and heated discussion, the measure passed but Kuhar voted against it and Ferrara abstained.


  • 2022-072: Resurfacing of North Mantua Street from Haymaker to N. Corp. limits and minor bridge repairs. Passed unanimously
  • 2022-73: Amending Sanitary Sewer Use. Passed unanimously

FINANCE COMMITTEE: All 6 of the ordinances passed unanimously.

  • 2022-074 (accept a grant);
  • 2022-075 (disposing of the Police's Call Recorder Server);
  • 2022-076 (allowing the fire department to sell self-contained breathing apparatuses to local fire depts);
  • 2022-077 (dispersal of funds to various depts);
  • 2022-078 (accepting a donation of $350 to City of Kent Parks and Rec for youth cheerleading);
  • 2022-079 (accepting a donation worth $100 for city of Kent's Health Dept.)

New Business:

  • Council member Gwen Rosenberg made a motion to the state opposing Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and opposing Ohio Heart Beat Law. Shaffer Bish seconded it. Kuhar, Ferrara, and Sidoti wanted it to go to committee. Others disagreed. In the end, the council voted to write a letter opposing those two issues. Sidoti, Kuhar, and Ferrara voted against it.
  • Shaffer Bish brought out the fireworks issue again.
  • Sidoti asked about buildable land in Kent.

Which members of the board/council were present: All present: Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;  John Kuhar, Ward 4;  Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large;  Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, and Robin Turner, Ward 3.


Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 