7/27/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

7/27/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 7/27/2021

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Public Comment:
A resident of Hudson Road expressed concerns about cars speeding quite a bit above the speed limit in front of his house and suggested more speed limit signs be posted or, alternately, that an electronic speed sign be installed. Township will look into it, and alert the office of the sheriff as well.

A representative of the Twin Lakes Association described their recent newsletter, which highlights businesses within the township and township governance.

A Brady Lake resident described a call he made to the office of the sheriff about cars parking off road by the lake. He was told that "since it's public property people can park wherever they want". Someone from the township will call to explain that there are "no parking" signs and therefore parking should be enforced.

A Brady Lake resident reminded the road superintended that the lack of a mirror on the Lakeview curve is a danger to drivers and those pulling out of driveways. This will be corrected.

A South Blvd resident had concerns about downed trees; he was informed that unless a tree is in the right of way it is not a township issue.

Zoning Report was submitted into the record

Fire Report:
There was additional discussion related to tension in the old Brady Lake School property between the owner and the residents about responsibility for common areas. Concerns were raised about the Jones Hookah Palace and variances that were approved but conditions not being met.

Road Report:
Work is completed at the spillway on Merrill Rd.; six loads of dirt were applied and will be seeded by the road crew. Branches will be picked up from residences next week. Approval was sought for funds for paving projects on Erie, Merrill, and West Shore; trustees approved the funds.

Old Business:
Job descriptions for nonelected positions are being developed.

Trustees Benjamin and Hana have identified a utility truck that fits the description of what is needed. Trustees voted approval for purchase.

New Business:
A resolution was sought for a special assessment to pay for the township's mowing of property the owner was not keeping up on Judson Rd. The administrative assistant will call the county treasurer to confirm whether taxes are owed on the property. Motion to approve was tabled for now.

A Brady Lake resident has indicated an interest in serving on the zoning commission; trustees are interested.
Ann Mansfield has sent a letter regarding a water sample study she and her husband did in five different spots on Lake Brady; coliform counts in all cases were safe for swimming.
Payment of bills and payment vouchers were approved by all three trustees.

Which members of the board/council were present: Ann Hanna, Scott Swan, Keith Benjamin

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

League to which this content belongs: 