8/11/2021 - Brimfield Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

8/11/2021 - Brimfield Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 8/11/2021

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Call to order 8:00AM August 11

Guest Gail Pavliga District 75 Ohio House of Representatives


  • Working on legislation for unfair E-Check
  • Bill for getting opioid prescriptions off the streets
  • Working with KASA - an organization that advocates for foster children. Currently, there is not a chapter in Portage County
  • Continue working toward designating a portion of I-76 to Corporate Mandela as a recognition for his sacrifice in 2007
  • Working toward training for 911 dispatchers for mental health issues to get them to the right place to help their needs
  • Pledge to attend a meeting twice a year to update on state issues

Questions for Representative Pavliga:

  • Towship levies - when is the state going to work on state funding for schools. Look at the school funding Act - a lot of work has been done.
  • Brimfield is the largest township in Portage County - why can't we get a sign on I-76? Could be a county issue will look into it. Perhaps a letter from our legislator will help.
  • The local government fund dispersment formula is from the 1970s. Request to find a way to change and benefit townships more fairly

Police updates:

  • Held 3rd community event with the largest turnout - one more will be held. Location TBD
  • Administrative assistant hiring is ongoing - nightshift job to start background checks needed prior to reviewing candidates so it takes time.
  • Call volume hasn't increased, however, the type and length of calls have increased. With time being tied up and arrests being up, there has not been enough time to do proactive work. Community policing has been hard to find the time.
  • Discussion followed regarding Walmart, Meijers, Menards looting.

Fire Dept:

  • Need a letter of acceptance for bid - and move forward with contract.
  • Would like to hold parks and rec community open house to show off facilities.

Kelso House:

  • Brimfield historical society is run by volunteers for years and run the ground maintenance. Many volunteers up in age and could use some assistance. Would be e a good idea to provide some assistance with upkeep. It's a good asset to our community we will update the agreement for mutual assistance. Motion approved unanimously

Ohio-specific opioid settlement:

  • For a National lawsuit settlement, would we like to tie into the state or do it individually? Motion To accept the material terms of the one Ohio Subdivision Settlement. Motion approved unanimously
  • Discussion followed regarding false alarm fees for police and fire.

Zoning Commission:

  • Zoning appeals meeting canceled. No appeals or variances.
  • Brimfield Nursing started construction and is moving along quickly
  • Redwood Apartment homes will start building soon
  • Hickory Hills grading started
  • Wave Watch started construction
  • Abandoned homes letters sent out.
  • Working on more industrial companies in Maplecrest
  • Need to explore the architectural board to preserve the community town center.

Road Dept:

  • Approval of state bid for salt for 2022- $43.76 a ton. Motion approved unanimously
  • Board accept the winter excavation culvert project - Motion approved unanimously
  • Chip and Seal will start soon: Meloy Rd, Cline Rd., Congress Lake, Selnick and Dussell, and Sherman Rd.

Parks and Recreation:

  • Pet safe dog park - vote to receive a $5000 grant. Link is online on Brimfield Facebook page
  • Brimfield Community Days seeking sponsorship - Budget 10K
  • Advisory Committee 8/19 excepting applications
  • Loop Trail budget increased to 15K to have it paved. Motions approved unanimously
  • Upcoming programs Concert in the Park
  • Halloween discussion about 5-7 pm Sunday, October 31. Motion approved unanimously

Motion to adjourn 9:40am approved unanimously

Which members of the board/council were present: Sue Fields, Mike Kostensky, Nick Coia

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Unknown

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Donna Carlton

League to which this content belongs: 