8/4/2021 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

8/4/2021 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council: Special Council Meeting & Committee of the Whole Meeting & various Committee Meetings with Council

Date of Meeting: 8/4/2021

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Special City Council Meeting:

  • 2021-065 GARAGE SALE PENALTY (AMENDING) - change minor misdemeanor status to a civil offense, suspending readings two and three. Measure approved 8-0
  • 2021-066 MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN - PORTAGE COUNTY 2021, the council approved unanimously
  • 2021-067 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT-SR43-SR261- rezoning from commercial to commercial high-density, multi-family residential, motion to suspend readings two and three approved and measure adopted unanimously
  • 2021-068 PEDESTRIANS SAFETY IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH KSU - to improve the safety of pedestrians in city and Kent State, motion to suspend readings two and three and measure approved unanimously
  • 2021-069 KSU ICE RINK SPECIAL EVENT--ice rink, Nov. 25, 2021 to Feb. 28, 2022, motion to suspend readings two and three and measure passed unanimously
  • 2021-070 TRANSFER LOAN FROM KENT WELLS SHERMAN HOUSE 257 NORTH WATER, LTD, motion to suspend readings two and three and the measure approved unanimously
  • 2021-071 GRANT FUNDS ACCEPTING FOR BALLISTIC VESTS, motion to suspend readings two and three and the measure approved unanimously
  • 2021-072 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS AMENDMENT 3, to shift funds from city to individual accounts, motion to suspending readings two and three and measure passed unanimously
  • 2021-073 NOPEC 2021 COMMUNITY EVENT SPONSORSHIP, suspension of readings two and three and measure approved, unanimously
  • 2021-074 DONATION - PARKS AND REC 5,450 DOLLARS -- suspension of readings two and three and measure approved unanimously

Council Committee of the Whole Meeting:
State Rep. Gail Pavliga from Atwater discussed her bills and her various activities, including keeping a health department in Kent. There were a number of questions from the Council members, including the state representative's stances on income tax bill for those working from home and allowing businesses to require vaccinations. Pavliga encouraging those who want to discuss issues at her meeting Aug. 25 at Honey Baked Ham but you need to register first.

Committee Development Committee:
Sign at 315 Gougler (private sign on public lot). Motion to approve the shared sign passed unanimously.

Health and Safety Committee Meeting:
Police Chief Nicholas Shearer updated the council on updating policies and procedures contracting with Lexipol; youth engagement in schools and through Parks and Recreation, training program.

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities Committee Meeting:
Change in recycling from weekly to biweekly, council asked to provide feedback. It looks like recycling will go to biweekly but there would be a reduction in the bills for recycling if it goes biweekly

Octoberfest Road Closure request - change in the footprint of the festival to include Hometown Plaza to railroad tracks (another beer truck!) - motion to approve the street closure passed unanimously

Octoberfest Dora Suspension Request -- After much discussion, there was a tie vote on the proposal NOT to suspend Dora. Mayor asked for another vote, same tie vote. Mayor broke the tie -- the Dora will NOT be suspended during Octoberfest.

Update on city trash and recycling--city council approves the updates to the trash and recycling account.

Temporary Outdoor Ice Rink Agreement - agreement with KSU which outlines responsibilities of both parties. KSU to operating in 2021 and 2022 season, city and university to pay for electricity. Motion to approve the memo of understanding approved unanimously.

Finance Committee Meeting:
Review of Neighborhood Grant Funding - after a discussion, Council approves a motion to "bring back community enhancement/engagement to the neighborhood grant program and divide it 50/50 with code violation assistance through 2022." Approved unanimously

Renewal of School Resource Officer Position -- approved, unanimously

Certified Liens to the County for Outstanding Payments -- approved by 7, Kuhar abstaining

Release EDA's Federal Interest in EDA Revolving Loan Fund - motion to allow city to submit a request to release the EDA federal interest in the EDA revolving loan fund -- approved unanimously

Amendments to the City's EDA RLF Plan -- approved unanimously

Budget Appropriation amendment -- motion carried unanimously

Executive Committee -- put off until Aug. 18 meeting

Which members of the board/council were present: Mayor Jerry Fiala, Council President; Amy Wilkens, Clerk of Council; Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2; John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large. Absent was Robin Turner, Ward 3 (excused).

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres


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