9/12/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

9/12/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 9/12/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

State Representative Gail Pavliga addressed the board and those in attendance to report on projects she’s been involved in to benefit her constituents in the district, including a grant dedicated to a crisis center including 24 beds, a project to create affordable housing for seniors, and the creation of a dedicated mental health emergency crisis line.

Detective DeSerio reported on August statistics and calls for service in the township, including theft, domestic disputes, suspicious persons, welfare and premise checks, and assistance to other agencies, among others, a total of 414 calls. The department is showing a trend of increasing calls in both the township and other areas. He also reported on a group of individuals targeting cars in parks and churches in the area, smashing car windows and stealing valuables. He suggested that purses, backpacks, and other valuables should never be left in plain sight.

A Brady Lake area resident voiced concerns about dumping debris into the lake, including decking material, a carpet remnant, and other materials. He also expressed gratitude to the sheriff’s office for timely responses to calls related to illegal parking.

A representative from the Twin Lakes Association spoke about lake associations, including the Ohio Lake Communities Association, which has proved to be a particularly helpful resource.
She also asked the zoning inspector to follow up on a property on Sylvan Drive where there appears to be a business operating.

Mr. Akerley submitted a request to chip and seal Judson, Seasons, and Spell Roads for $107,608.96, extending the life of the roadways by 5-7 years. This proposal was moved and approved by all trustees.

At a meeting focused on the Hudson Road project, Mike Collins from the Portage County Engineer’s office reported that the Ohio Public Works Commission has approved a requested extension for Phase IV and its combination with Phase V to bid as one project. After discussion, a motion to move forward with the project as currently planned—to be bid in the spring and completed by late summer of 2024—was moved and approved by all trustees. Mr. Swan suggested that at some point, the township may need to consider a road levy to generate funds for road repair and paving.

All three trustees moved and approved a resolution authorizing an agreement with the county engineer’s office allowing county trucks and other vehicles to enter Hudson, Judson, Seasons, and Cackler Roads.

Mr. Swan reported that the Village of Sugar Bush Knolls approved the formation of a JEDD exploration committee. A meeting of the township’s and the village’s committee will take place to begin discussions of JEDD options.

All trustees approved the payment of bills totaling $183,279.74.

The regular session was suspended to enter an executive session. All trustees approved the hiring of a road crew applicant.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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