9/27/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

9/27/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 9/27/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


A Brady Lake area resident shared concerns about the lack of yellow dividing lines on Merrill Ave. He states that on more than one occurrence, motorists are driving left of what would be the center and causing near accidents, particularly near the old fire station by Garfield. Historically, Merrill Ave. did have a painted yellow line dividing the lanes. Mr. Swan thanked him for sharing his concerns and assured him the road superintendent will look into the matter and make a determination of the need for yellow dividing lines.


Diagonal Road residents responded to a zoning discussion regarding the installation of a shared driveway at the location of a new residential build on Diagonal. They are working with the county building department.


Submitted as written by Dave Akerley and is attached to the official record. The repair of the chipper was more than originally expected and came to $12,312.18. Additionally, a quote of $16,500 for Perrin Asphalt to provide the labor for paving Kimberly Drive was approved by all three trustees. The township will supply the needed materials. Also, with the addition of two-way radio communication now being used by the road department, the contract in place for township-provided cell phones for each road crew member will be canceled. As the superintendent, Mr. Akerley will retain his use of his.


Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record. Additionally, Mr. Swan stated for the record that the trustees very much appreciate his time and attention to the goings on at the Burnt Pickle. Mr. Ciccozzi and Richard Smith have spent a great deal of time working with the city fire department, county building department, and county sheriff’s department in anticipation of an event that was advertised and would likely have resulted in an overcrowding/capacity violation. The Board appreciates their attention to this matter. Kent Fire Chief Bill Myers spoke of the city’s gratitude for Mr. Smith’s attention to detail as well.


Richard Smith reported that for the fourth consecutive week, the Northcoast Medical building remains on what is designated as Firewatch – meaning during overnight hours the location is monitored due to nonfunctioning fire alarms. The Gilbert Group – property owners of the multi-tenant retail space has engaged The Silco Company to manage the situation and resolve communication issues among all entities involved.


Mr. Smith also reports that The Human Bean is tentatively scheduled for opening on either Friday, September 30th or Monday, October 3rd. He asked Mr. Ciccozzi to follow up with the location of their dumpster and the required enclosure.


Following a discussion of enacting possible parking bans during snow events, it was decided that Mr. Akerley should compile a list of roads that would be impacted by having cars parked on the street that prevent snow plows from safely removing snow and ice. More thought will be put into what verbiage will be used for signs to post notifying residents of said parking ban and other ways to communicate this to residents impacted.


Dates of October 12, 2022 and October 26, 2022 have been selected as meeting dates for Employee Handbook workshops. The meetings will begin at 5:30 pm and advertised to the public.


Hudson Road Phase lV is scheduled to take place in the spring of 2023 and Phase V, completing the project, will take place in the fall of 2023.


The township was contacted by Lynn Vogel at Portage County Soil and Water who wants to make improvements at Chase Park, removing invasive plant species, planting new shrubbery and trees, and cleaning the park up. She will be teaming up with Roosevelt High School students and will make sure all guidelines are met with local agencies and all bonding/insuring of workers is secured. The board unanimously supports the project.


Payment of bills $117,160.75 was approved by all three trustees.


When asked if there was anything to add before adjourning, resident Keith Benjamin, 6206 Sixth Ave., expressed his appreciation for the work being done by the trustees and the road department, especially the decision to authorize expensive chipper repair because of the quality of the equipment and the life expectancy we will now get out of it.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

League to which this content belongs: 