2021 Virtual Holiday Brunch Benefit

2021 Virtual Holiday Brunch Benefit

2021 virtual holiday brunch benefit


Saturday, December 4, 2021 - 9:00am

But join the program! See details below!

Bring joy to Dec. 4 Virtual Holiday Brunch Benefit!

Order your yuletide goodie brunch bag by 11/29 and support local biz 

LWV Kent can help you assist with a donation to local nonprofs  

You are invited to join us for our annual Virtual Holiday Brunch Benefit, via Zoom, on Saturday, December 4! The League of Women Voters of Kent will celebrate the season with a spirit of joyful giving, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This year’s Holiday Brunch will help support local businesses with a Yuletide Brunch Bag that includes: 

Coffee from Scribbles
Scones from Tree City Coffee
Fruit salad from Over Easy Morning Cafe

Featured Speaker

Author and Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist
Connie Schultz

Connie Schultz speaker and author

2021 Virtual Holiday Brunch Benefit 

Good things come to those who make good things happen!

Five lucky leaguers who order brunch bags will find a Bent Tree Coffee gift card nestled between the scones and fruit salad. Let the holiday cheer begin!  

2021 Virtual Holiday Brunch Benefit

Cost for the Brunch

  • $11 per brunch if you pay by check or cash (Please have exact cash!) the day of the brunch. You MUST complete and submit the form below to make your reservations. Form is at bottom of page. Make your check payable to LWV Kent.
  • $11 plus PayPal processing fee if you pay online. This year you can make a group reservation. You MUST complete and submit the form below to make your reservations and pay. Form is at bottom of page. 

holiday border 2021

2020 Virtual Holiday Brunch

How to get your brunch bag & be someone's Santa
You will pick up your brunch bag(s) the morning of Saturday, December 4, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Hometown Plaza in downtown Kent. Say "Merry, merry" to LWV Kent VP Janice Hutchison and her crew who will be distributing bags. Zoom brunch program will begin at 9:30 a.m. The Zoom will open at 9 for socializing. 

Here's an important part of your participation  
In the spirit of our Annual Holiday Brunch theme "Locals Supporting Locals," we are asking everyone to consider bringing nonperishable food items, warm clothing items (such as gloves, scarves and hats) or a monetary donation for Kent Social Services when you pick up your Yuletide Brunch Bag. 


Thank you and Happy Holidays!  

Check Main Street Kent for events in Kent. Note that Small Business Saturday is November 27.

holiday border 2021

2020 Virtual Holiday Brunch

Zoom information to join the meeting on December 4!
Join Zoom Meeting: https://uua.zoom.us/j/97521489288?pwd=Z2hENU1rV2xVNzZIeXA2aGxvbVJmdz09
Meeting ID: 975 2148 9288
Passcode: 257351
One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 975 2148 9288
Find your local number: https://uua.zoom.us/u/acMz9Qr2qA

empty  stomach 

Contact Information
lwvkent [at] gmail.com
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