Your ideas shape the new 2-year planfor LWV Kent
Learn more at the All Member Meeting, Monday, Oct. 16, 7PM
The All Member Meeting on Oct. 16, 7 p.m., at Kent Social Services is your opportunity to help shape and build the next two years of the Kent League's important work.
During the August AMM, members broke into small groups to answer questions like:
- Name community organizations for whom LWVK could partner to further our mission.
- List events in which we do not currently participate that would further our mission.
The group's answers were gathered, tabulated and used to develop LWVK's next 2-year strategy and new committee structure. Join your fellow leaguers on Oct. 16 where you will have a chance to learn how you can be a part of the process and meet the new committee chairpeople! We will also be providing redistricting updates and League updates.
In addition to your ideas, please bring a nonperishable food item or monetary donation for Kent Social Services. MAP to Kent Social Services.