Speak Up! to Racist Comments Workshop, April 23, New Time!
Have you witnessed someone making a racist statement or engaging in racist behavior and you didn't speak up to the perpetrator despite your desire to do so? What's holding you back? Do you worry about what to say? Member Christie Anderson will engage attendees in an interactive workshop on responding in a way that will increase the possibility of a meaningful conversation rather than raising defenses. This three hour workshop will help embolden the Kent League's practice of inclusion.
We will enjoy a brown bag dinner while learning about microaggressions, followed by Christie sharing tips on constructive ways to respond using the “Teaching Tolerance” materials developed by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The training will conclude with opportunities to practice speaking up using sample scenarios. Bring your meal and eating utensils. Coffee and water will be provided.5:30 PM on Tuesday, April 23 at Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St. Questions? Contact Christie at christiea [at] neo.rr.com.
SIGN-UP at this link. Limit 40 members.
The presentation was organized by the Community Engagement Committee of the LWV Kent Diversity Committee. Interested in knowing more about the committee and it's work? Email lwvkent [at] gmail.com.
The All Member Monthly is a project of the membership committee. You can contact the committee at lwvkmembership [at] gmail.com.