The leaves may not be turning to autumn colors just yet, but it’s time to let you know about Kent League’s fall kick-off meeting. Join us virtually (yes, we’re back on Zoom) on Tuesday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m. We had hoped to see everyone in person, but we want to follow CDC guidelines and be respectful of all our members with regard to COVID-19 and possible exposure.
We will start the evening with a brief business meeting and then hear brief updates from the League’s committee chairs about what their groups have been doing lately.
The program speaker will be Jen Miller, executive director of the Ohio LWV. She will update us on the status of redistricting in Ohio, LWV Ohio’s activities related to that process, and summarize legislative activity that League’s throughout the state need to keep an eye on. A question-and-answer session will follow Miller’s presentation.
Here is the Zoom link. You can also find the link at the calendar on our website.