The courts and racial equity is the topic of this two-part REAL TALK presentation titled "Is Justice Truly Blind? Examining the Courts for Racial Equity: From Arraignment to Reentry." Part 1 will focus on "Navigating the System: Arraignment Through Sentencing." Is justice truly blind? Why do racial disparities and inequities continue to thrive in the court system, leading to markedly different outcomes for people of color compared with other Americans? Tune in to learn how defendants must navigate a complicated criminal legal system best with racial injustice and systemic inequality. Meet the judges, prosecutors and public defenders who are working to balance the scales of justice by addressing wrongful arrests, the controversial cash bail system, mandatory sentencing and cultural representation in the courts. Learn about their use of diversion programs, alternative sentences and restorative justiceto comprehensively restore and rehabilitate Ohioans and stem racialized mass incarceration. The event is free and open to the public.
To register and see the names and affiliations of the speakers, click here. To see these segments after the scheduled dates and earlier ones on voting rights access and education, go to the REAL TALK website.