Redistricting 101 in Ohio 2021

Redistricting 101 in Ohio 2021

Fair Districts 2021


Monday, May 3, 2021 - 7:00pm to Tuesday, May 4, 2021 - 6:45pm

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By far, the push for political advocacy this year in Ohio is fair redistricting to end the state’s gerrymandered voting districts that benefit voters rather than political parties.

As Ohio begins to work on voter-approved redistricting after the 2020 Census, the League of Women Voters of Kent is inviting the community to a virtual presentation, “Redistricting 101,” on May 3, 7 p.m. You can join the meeting here: 

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Meeting ID: 893 1479 5472
Passcode: 515685
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We'll be sending out the Zoom link again before the meeting, including the hour before the session starts.

This year, the legislative voting districts for Congress and the Ohio House and Ohio Senate will be redrawn to adjust for changes in the population. Reforms overwhelmingly approved by Ohio voters in 2015 and 2018 will make it harder to politically manipulate the district maps, but citizens need to be informed to better advocate for their communities.

Deborah Dalke

Deborah Dalke, a member of the League of Women Voters of Bowling Green and an emeritus professor of psychology at Defiance College, will discuss the process of redistricting, problems with current “gerrymandered” districts, the new rules for drawing district maps and how citizens can be involved in the fight for fair maps. The presentation was created by the Fair Districts coalition. Dalke has been an Election Protection volunteer since 2012, helping resolve problems people encounter when they vote.

The League of Women Voters of Kent is among the many leagues across Ohio and other community organizations working to bring attention to the redistricting process and provide education to citizens. If you are looking for more information about redistricting, contact LWV Kent at lwvkent [at] or visit Fair Districts Ohio at  

Fair Districts Ohio is an organization committed to fairer state legislative and congressional maps.  It is a non-partisan team comprised of voting rights experts and organizations working to create a better and more equitable representational democracy. The coalition includes Common Cause Ohio, the League of Women Voters of OhioOhio A. Philip Randolph Institute, the Ohio Council of Churches, the Ohio Voter Rights Coalition and others.

Contact Information
lwvkent [at]