The League of Women’s Voters of Kent cordially invites you to be part of The VOTER Girl Project.
Committee Scope and Responsibilities: The VOTER Girl Project blends League know-how with programming for the Girl Scouts of America. On a set day in the fall, League members guide Scouts from Brownies to Ambassadors through the criteria to earn citizenship badges. Activities include an election based on the voting process across the country. Daisies through Cadettes earn their badges that day, while Seniors and Ambassadors have additional work to complete to qualify. The project has advanced with the support of the Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio. |
Meetings: Usually a fall meeting to reorganize, then classroom instructors determine if they need more meetings. One of the co-chairs is in contact with operations volunteers mostly by email or phone to prepare for the one-day event.
Volunteer Opportunities: hospitality, check-in, social media, set up/tear down and classroom assistant
How to join the committee:
CALL: (330) 271-6188
EMAIL: lwvkent [at] gmail.com
SIGN-UP FORM: Complete the form below.