Voter Service Committee

Voter Service Committee

voter service

The League of Women’s Voters of Kent cordially invites you to be part of the Voter Service Committee.

Committee Scope and Responsibilities:

The Voter Service Committee oversees three subcommittees: Voter Education, Voter Registration and Get Out the Vote. 

The Voter Education Subcommittee is responsible for Vote 411, Face 2 Face Candidate Forums, working with community partners to provide accurate and accessible information related to voting rights, and ensuring publication and promotion of the Voters’ Guide to the community.

The Voter Registration Subcommittee coordinates and develops voter-registration training, manages events at which the League register voters, ensures proper handling of voter registrations, and manages data collection and analysis of voter registration efforts.

The Get Out the Vote Subcommittee develops strategies for getting voters to the polls on election day, works with community partners to identify voter disenfranchisement and coordinates election-day activities

Meetings: Every other month, aiming for the third Monday of the month    

How to join the committee:

ATTEND MEETINGS: Held the third Monday of each month from 7:00pm - 8:15pm. To receive Zoom link, please fill out form below

CALL: (330) 271-6188


SIGN-UP FORM: Complete the form below. 

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