Hot Topic: The Election, the Aftermath, and What Comes Next?

Hot Topic: The Election, the Aftermath, and What Comes Next?

Thursday, November 19, 2020 - 3:00pm to Friday, November 20, 2020 - 2:45pm

National Popular Vote, League of Women Voters, Common Cause, FairVote, and Equal Citizens Invite You to the "270-by-2024" Virtual Conference


To discuss a bi-partisan coalition for one-person-one-vote and a 50-state presidential campaign

·         Lessons learned from Colorado 2020 Ballot Measure

·         Path to 270 by 2024

·         Organizing to win

Sign up here

The National Popular Vote compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
The compact will take effect when enacted by states with a majority of the electoral votes (270 of 538).
After the compact comes into effect, the presidential candidate supported by the most voters in all 50 states and DC will receive all the electoral votes of all the enacting states. Because those states have a majority of the electoral votes, the national popular vote winner will have a majority of the presidential electors in the Electoral College, and therefore become President.


The National Popular Vote compact has already been enacted into law by 15 states and the District of Columbia (together possessing 196 electoral votes).

In a referendum on Tuesday November 3, Colorado voters demonstrated that the National Popular Vote law is popular by approving the law that had been enacted last year by the Colorado legislature and Governor.
National Popular Vote LEARN MORE...

·         One-page description of National Popular Vote

·         Introductory video (8 minutes)

·         Watch Jesse Wegman, author of Let the People Pick the President

·         Watch Prof. George Edwards III, author of Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America

·         Podcast with Jason Harrow, Executive Director of Equal Citizens and National Popular Vote Chair Dr. John Koza

·         Legal Eagle (Devin James Stone) video explaining Electoral College

·         Listen to Open Mind podcast in which Alexander Heffner interviews National Popular Vote Chair Dr. John Koza. Spotify

·         Watch Michael Steele, former Chair of the Republican National Committee

·         Watch Rick Tyler, author of Still Right, and Saul Anuzis present the conservative case for electing the President by National Popular Vote

·         Watch debate at R Street between National Popular Vote's Eileen Reavey and Patrick Rosenstiel and NPV's opponents Tara Ross and Trent England

·         Watch Dr. John Hudak, author of Presidential Pork: White House Influence over the Distribution of Federal Grants

·         Answers to 131 myths