Panel Discussion: School Vouchers with Education Voters PA

Panel Discussion: School Vouchers with Education Voters PA


Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Join LWVPA and Education Voters PA for our upcoming panel discussion on school vouchers in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania has two ongoing programs that provide tuition vouchers to families whose children attend private and religious schools. However, these programs are designed to evade the Constitutional mandate that tax dollars may not be used for religious education.

 PA companies may direct tax payments to these programs instead of paying the Commonwealth, leaving other taxpayers to fill the gap. Furthermore, “there is no legislative or public oversight over these tax dollars and no reporting requirements for how SOs spend these dollars.”

LWVPA strongly opposes the use of school vouchers in Pennsylvania, and we are partnering with members, supporters, and other organizations to advocate around this important issue. We hope you’ll join us for a discussion on vouchers led by Susan Spicka, Executive Director of Education Voters PA.