The Legislative Coffees will be held Saturday, Feb. 22nd and Saturday, March 1st at the HUB Auditorium at Southeast Technical College, 2001 N. Career Ave., Sioux Falls. Doors open at 9:30 and the forum begins at 10:00 and ends at 11:30.
The Q&A sessions will be led by trained League of Women Voters moderators. Questions can be submitted at the events, or sent ahead of time to siouxfallslwv [at] gmail.com The events will be livestreamed and saved on our YouTube Channel (@SiouxFallsLeagueofWomenVoters), and our Facebook page (facebook.com/LWVSF).
Sponsors are AARP South Dakota, the Sioux Falls Education Association, Sioux Falls Trades & Labor Assembly, Sioux Falls State Federation of Labor, Change Agents of South Dakota, Southeast Technical College, and JerEvents.