Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy

Tax Policy. Support adequate and flexible funding of federal government programs through an equitable tax system that is progressive overall and that relies primarily on a broad-based income tax.

Federal Deficit. Promote responsible deficit policies.

Funding of Entitlements. Support a federal role in providing mandatory, universal, old-age, survivors, disability, and health insurance.

Leon County Court House in background with text regarding hearing in blue box

Gainesville Residents United, Inc.'s September 20, 2023 update on GRU.
What you can do:
* If you can attend the September 22nd hearing in Tallahassee, it's bound to be interesting and a show of support is always nice.
* The swearing-in of the new Utility Authority appointees is currently scheduled for October 4th at noon (with the chance that it could be postponed or cancelled.
* And finally, the local legislative delegation is meeting on October 25th, and many folks are planning to discuss issues of importance with our legislators.

Blue outline of State of Florida with callout with stethoscope over Alachua County

As our nation rapidly approaches 1 million recorded deaths due to COVID-19, our Florida government officials loudly proclaim that masks and vaccinations are unnecessary. Public health has become as taboo of a subject as climate change. It is clear who suffers the most from ignorance of both: ethnic minorities and our underprivileged low-income neighbors.

The health of Alachua County depends not only on the fitness of its well-off residents. It must concern us all. Deficits and inequities in health cost everyone due to stresses on our health care workers and hospitals, increased taxes, insurance costs and reduced productivity that result. We can do better.

Logo for campaign, Schools and Communities First

In a recent debrief of the Proposition 15 campaign, LWVDV was particularly recognized for the resounding ‘yes’ vote from our Contra Costa County voters.




generic city council chamber

This is the compilation of the reports from members observing the Board of Supervisors from 3/31 - 8/11/20.

LWVRI Position on Funding Public Education in Rhode Island

Adopted at Convention 2001

The League of Women Voters of Rhode Island believes that any method of financing public education should provide equality of opportunity for education through a system of taxation that is sufficient, equitable, flexible and coordinated among the different levels of government.

LWVRI logo
The League of Women Voters of Rhode Island affirms the crucial niche of libraries: they are repositories of knowledge; they enhance learning for all ages; they serve as community centers. In a world linked to the internet, libraries provide essential computer access for many Rhode Islanders.
This issue is a priority of the LWV Providence


The League of Women Voters of Arlington supports fiscally responsible, fair and equal sources of revenue to support county objectives.
Martha Goralka, LWV Diablo Valley, with campaign sign
Blog Post

Thanks to a great team of petition circulators and speakers, in 2019 we returned 60+ petitions with  more than 500 signatures. I set our League goal at 1,000 signatures. We have almost 3 more months and I think we can reach this number.

Event Date: 
03/07/2020 - 9:00am to 03/08/2020 - 11:45am
Event location: 


Public Invited--free of charge
