Urban Policy

Urban Policy

Promote the economic health of cities and improve the quality of urban life.

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

At tonight's meeting (Jan. 15 @ 5:30 p.m. in the GRU Administration Building, 301 SE 4th Street), the GRU Authority is planning to cancel the solar array that would produce 75MW of power. It is on the consent agenda, intended for administrative-type topics with no discussion. Canceling a solar array is not an administrative-type topic. Show up and take a seat. Community leaders will be speaking and you can "speak" just by being there. Don't let the Authority make bad decisions without an audience. The League of Women Voters will be there. Please join us.

Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) Sign brown background with gold logo and brick base with gold letters

UPDATE as of Jan. 8: At least two local papers ran articles about Rep. Chad Johnson's bill and 960 people sent emails objecting to the bill. The bill has been tabled. For now.

There is another attack on GRU coming. Attend the Legislative Delegation meeting on Jan. 9 at 1 p.m. at Santa Fe College to show your support for GRU. Can't attend in person? Send an email to the delegation. The most important thing we can do is to participate in local government. This is a prime opportunity.

Representative Chuck Brannan Letterhead
Event Date: 
01/09/2025 - 1:00pm
Event location: 

Santa Fe College

Press release from the Office of Representative Chuck Brannan: The Alachua County Legislative Delegation will be holding its annual public hearing on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Joseph W. Fordyce Building (R-01) on the campus of Santa Fe State College at 3000 NW 83 Street in Gainesville. The public is encouraged to attend this opportunity to request legislation or state funding, as well as to express opinions on any other matter of state concern ahead of the 2025 Legislative Session.

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Action Alerts


Thanks to each of you for reading and participating in the Action Alerts. With the primary election successfully completed, we have eleven weeks to get out the vote for the general election on November 5.

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
“Celebrate democracy! Get informed, go vote!” For the next three months, this will be our League's rallying cry. At the local, state and national levels there is much to vote about. Energy is building. We will lend momentum...

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
I love being the bearer of good news. And there’s plenty to share. For starters, on May 23, we had an energizing and fun in-person Annual Meeting. Then, on June 5, we had an informative, dynamic presentation and conversation about county elections and the question of at-large or single-member districts...

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Action Alerts

Today the city commission voted unanimously to allow the voters to decide on the governance of our local utility, GRU. They voted in favor of an ordinance that will allow a ballot referendum on November 5, 2024, on which voters can choose whether to have our utility governed by governor appointees or by local officials. The League stands firmly on the side of home rule for GRU. The state does not belong in our city charter or governance of our city. League leadership will be devising a public campaign to inform the public about the options and to encourage a “yes” vote on the referendum. Here are the asks for today’s Action Alert...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

The first of two required readings of an ordinance to repeal Article 7 in the city charter, which created the GRU Authority, happened at the city commission meeting on May 16 at 1:00pm, in City Hall. All seven commissioners voted in favor of putting a referendum on the general election ballot. Unanimous! The vote required a supermajority, so at least six commissioners had to vote in favor. Getting all seven votes was due to the work of a collaborative group including our league, the Alachua County Labor Coalition, the Sierra Club, unions, the NAACP and GRU customers...

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Let’s call May “Motivation Month.” (I love alliteration!) There’s a lot to motivate us in May, both sticks and carrots. Let’s start with carrots.

On May 23 at 6 p.m. we will be having our Annual Meeting for the first time since COVID. Hurrah! We’ll get to chat and catch up, enjoy a tasty dinner and have our business meeting. It will be fun and gratifying to see the marvelous people who do the good work of the League and welcome new members and leadership. Can you tell I’m excited?...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

Welcome, community! If you did not read the Action Alert from 4/22/24, please read it below. It will give you the background on the public utilities (GRU) referendum that the LWV of Alachua County supports wholeheartedly.

The first of two required readings of the ordinance to repeal Article 7, which created the GRU Authority, will happen at the city commission meeting on May 16 at 1:00pm, in City Hall...
