Urban Policy

Urban Policy

Promote the economic health of cities and improve the quality of urban life.

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
I love being the bearer of good news. And there’s plenty to share. For starters, on May 23, we had an energizing and fun in-person Annual Meeting. Then, on June 5, we had an informative, dynamic presentation and conversation about county elections and the question of at-large or single-member districts...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

Today the city commission voted unanimously to allow the voters to decide on the governance of our local utility, GRU. They voted in favor of an ordinance that will allow a ballot referendum on November 5, 2024, on which voters can choose whether to have our utility governed by governor appointees or by local officials. The League stands firmly on the side of home rule for GRU. The state does not belong in our city charter or governance of our city. League leadership will be devising a public campaign to inform the public about the options and to encourage a “yes” vote on the referendum. Here are the asks for today’s Action Alert...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

The first of two required readings of an ordinance to repeal Article 7 in the city charter, which created the GRU Authority, happened at the city commission meeting on May 16 at 1:00pm, in City Hall. All seven commissioners voted in favor of putting a referendum on the general election ballot. Unanimous! The vote required a supermajority, so at least six commissioners had to vote in favor. Getting all seven votes was due to the work of a collaborative group including our league, the Alachua County Labor Coalition, the Sierra Club, unions, the NAACP and GRU customers...

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Let’s call May “Motivation Month.” (I love alliteration!) There’s a lot to motivate us in May, both sticks and carrots. Let’s start with carrots.

On May 23 at 6 p.m. we will be having our Annual Meeting for the first time since COVID. Hurrah! We’ll get to chat and catch up, enjoy a tasty dinner and have our business meeting. It will be fun and gratifying to see the marvelous people who do the good work of the League and welcome new members and leadership. Can you tell I’m excited?...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

Welcome, community! If you did not read the Action Alert from 4/22/24, please read it below. It will give you the background on the public utilities (GRU) referendum that the LWV of Alachua County supports wholeheartedly.

The first of two required readings of the ordinance to repeal Article 7, which created the GRU Authority, will happen at the city commission meeting on May 16 at 1:00pm, in City Hall...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

On Thursday, April 18, the city commission discussed verbiage for an ordinance intended to be placed on a ballot referendum at the general election on November 5, 2024. The LWV of Alachua County has a strong stance that voters should have an opportunity to vote on the referendum and that voters should vote “yes”.

The Action Alert ask for this week is twofold...

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
It’s an exciting time to be a League member. The stature of the League shows itself at the national, state and local levels. One of my proudest moments, both personally and as League president, was speaking before the city commission on March 21, citing the breach of democracy and home rule when the state imposed the GRU Authority on our city. I stated “We have an opportunity to regain democratic processes and home rule in Gainesville. Let's do this...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

On Thursday, March 21st, the League of Women Voters led a coalition of organizations, including the Alachua County Labor Coalition, the NAACP and Gainesville Residents United, along with many community leaders in speaking to the city commission. We asked for a referendum on the ballot to repeal the GRU Authority from the city charter. Gainesville City Commission voted 6-0 (Commissioner Duncan-Walker was absent) to begin the process...


The League of Women Voters of Johnson County believes that economic development in the greater Johnson County area should be a cooperative venture between all governmental entities and the private sector.
Diverse group of women facing the camera along the top with Meet & Mobilize text below in a white background

The Meet & Mobilize Collaborative Initiative was formed from the Meet & Mobilize event in January. The collaborative is made up of nonpartisan community organizations, including Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Delta Sigma Zeta Chapter, the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Gainesville Alumnae Chapter, The Visionaires Club, The Links Inc. Gainesville Chapter, and LWV of Alachua County. The aim is to create meaningful partnerships as we enter the 2024 election season through education, engagement and empowerment. It is evident that our voices are more vital when we unite and collaborate; it is a testament to the power of collective action. Working together will strengthen and maintain our democracy and our community.
