May 15, 2024
Dear Members,
Let’s call May “Motivation Month.” (I love alliteration!) There’s a lot to motivate us in May, both sticks and carrots. Let’s start with carrots.
On May 23 at 6 p.m. we will be having our Annual Meeting for the first time since COVID. Hurrah! We’ll get to chat and catch up, enjoy a tasty dinner and have our business meeting. It will be fun and gratifying to see the marvelous people who do the good work of the League and welcome new members and leadership. Can you tell I’m excited? Today's the deadline, so be sure to RSVP if you haven't already.
Now for sticks. On May 1, Florida’s six week ban on abortion went into effect. It is hard to fathom the effect that will have on so many women, their families, and our communities. On the November 5 ballot, we will have an opportunity to make abortion a constitutional right. Not only do we as individuals need to vote, we need to motivate all voters to return the right for women to choose their own reproductive care. Get involved with the Yes on 4 campaign, and vote yes on Amendment 4.
There’s another stick. As a reminder, in 2023, a state bill wrested local control of GRU to governor-appointed “Authority” members. On May 16 and 23, the city commission will be voting on an ordinance that would revoke the GRU Authority from the city charter. The ordinance requires a supermajority of six of the seven commissioners to pass at each meeting. If that happens, on November 5, Gainesville voters will have the opportunity to dissolve the GRU Authority and return the governance of our public utility to our LOCAL elected officials. Our league strongly urges voters to vote yes in the name of democracy and home rule.
Let’s end with a carrot. Your league is involved and will help you be involved. Frequently, on the Action Alert tab of our website, there will be information about a current, important topic followed by actions you can take in about ten minutes. I urge you to set your calendar for each Tuesday, to check the Action Alert page. Then share it with your friends. People do not have to be League members to be informed and act. Start now.
I hope to see your smiling faces on May 23.
info [at] lwv-alachua.org