National Popular Vote

National Popular Vote

The LWV believes that direct election of the President is essential for a representative democratic government.

April 2024 Annual Report

Inspired by the principle of “One Person, One Vote,” highlighted in the 1963 Supreme Court Decision in Gray v. Sanders, the League has been a strong proponent of the constitutional concept of direct election of the President since the 1970s. While the abolition of the Electoral College remains a long-term priority of LWVUS, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is seen as an intermediate step to affect the same result without having to amend the U.S. Constitution.

The NPVIC is an agreement among a group of states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to the presidential candidate that wins the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Currently, 16 states and the District of Columbia have approved the National Popular Vote Bill (same bill introduced in each state), representing 205 electoral votes. Maine (4 electoral) votes has had the bill approved in both houses and the bill will go into effect if/when the governor signs it. Once enough states pass the bill to ensure that the 270 electoral college votes necessary for election of the president are committed, the compact can go into effect. As it stands now, 65 more electoral votes (61 if the bill is signed in Maine) are needed to put the compact in effect.

The National Popular Vote Bill has been introduced in the Missouri legislature many times since 2008 and passed committee in both houses in 2016. The last time that it was introduced was in the 2023 legislature by Representatives Ian Mackey and Peter Mackey in two separate bills. Neither bill made it through committee in 2023 and no bill was introduced in the 2024 session. That does not mean that we have given up. We continue to follow progress of the initiative nationally, to support the efforts for its adoption in other states, and to plan to support its reintroduction in Missouri at the appropriate time.

The National Popular Vote Committee would appreciate the support of all interested members.

 Julia Brown, Chair
Email: NPV [at]

The current "winner-take-all" electoral college system allows the second-place candidate to become President. And it encourages most states to be ignored in campaigning, so voter issues in non-competitive states may not be addressed.

Direct election of the President could be accomplished a couple of ways:

  • Federal: Change the U.S. Constitution to a direct election for the President including provisions for a national runoff election in the event no candidate received 40% of the vote. (This is very hard to do.)
  • Or, States: The states could pass laws that would recognize the winner of the election is the candidate who receives the most votes in all 50 states and D.C.

National Popular Vote     Watch this video presentation that explains NPV.

Watch this presentation about how we elect the President and national polls 

If you want to make every vote for President relevant in every election, help move NPV legislation forward. Let your elected officials know that this issue is important to you.  ASK YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATOR TO SPONSOR OR CO-SPONSOR THE NPV BILL.
Aids to write a letter or make a phone call:
NPV Talking Points
Sample Letter

Legislator Lookup.
This is a non-partisan issue that has been passed by strong majorities in both Republican-controlled and Democrat-controlled state houses and senates. In 2016, the Missouri legislators introduced NPV legislation that received the support of many Republicans and Democrats.

For more detailed information on National Popular Vote click a link below.

NPV Fact Sheet
NPV Palm Card

 A very good source to learn everything you want to know about the National Popular Vote is

August 2022 - LWVMO President Marilyn McLeod shared the League's position on abolishing the electoral college on KMOX radio show with Tom Ackerman and Carol Daniels on KMOX. Click here to listen to the August 8 interview. 

The interview focused on a new poll from Pew Research that indicates a majority of support for eliminating the electoral college in Presidential elections. Marilyn mentions the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact that would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and D.C. while maintaining the Electoral College. 

The LWVMO NPV committee has designed this NPV brochure to help you tell your friends about the National Popular Vote.


April 2021

Rep. Peter Merideth introduced an NPV bill with several cosponsors this session (HB 267). Reps. Ian Mackey and Ashley Bland Manlove introduced identical bills, HB 598 and HB 800. House Speaker Rob Vescovo did not assign any of them to a committee. Senator Jill Schupp introduced SB292 that was assigned to the Local Government and Election Committee, but Chair Sandy Crawford declined to hold a hearing as she had a full schedule and felt it was not going to pass anyway. Our committee held a Zoom on Jan. 19 to explain why our democracy needs the National Popular Vote, what NPV is, and how Missouri voters can be involved in this effort. Our goal: Make every voter equally relevant in every state in every presidential election.

The LWVUS convention included advocacy for the National Popular Vote Compact under the Making Democracy Work umbrella. This means that the LWVUS may take the initiative to help state Leagues get it passed in state legislatures. The NPV committee was very active in 2020, even taping a video last summer to educate people about NPV that’s available at YouTube/LWVMO. We created two subcommittees, one on reaching voters by various techniques, chaired by Laurie Velasquez, and the other, chaired by Bob Allen, to work on getting legislative support.

Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Julia Brown
League to which this content belongs: 
Metro St. Louis