Natural Resources: Bidwell Park

Natural Resources: Bidwell Park

The League of Women Voters of Butte County believes that the integrity of Bidwell Park must be preserved.
Position In Brief: 

1.   Uses of the park, including development, upgrading, or expansion of existing facil-
ities, should be compatible with preserving the natural state of the park and its environs. The development and maintenance of new trails, walkways, and facilities should always take into consideration the impact on the natural environment and be easily accessible to all park users.

2.   The park boundaries should be surveyed to identify park lands and adjacent pri­vate ownership to assure compliance with the original deed and to identify sensi­tive areas near the park to be preserved.

3. Restricted areas of the park relating to cars, off-road vehicles, equestrians, joggers, bicyclists, and other park users should be clearly identified and, as necessary, post­ed as an aid in their enforcement. Adequate patrol should be maintained to en­sure that rules are followed.

4. Every effort should be make to protect and preserve the natural environment of the park including:

a.    Funding an environmental assessment and implementing the results;

b.    Re-vegetation of overused and burned areas with native plants;

c.    Short and long term controlled burn programs that are supervised by pro­fessionals after consultation with wildlife biologists;

d.    Alternative non-native management should be explored, such as the use of goats, prior to the use of herbicides;

e.    Surrounding areas should have uses that are compatible with and enhance the natural state of the park;

f.     When contemplating trails in Upper Park, consideration should be given to the impact on wild life, plant life, and geology. No new trails should be built in Upper Park until a plan is developed and funded for the improve­ment and maintenance of all trails. Professional consultation regarding trail design and location should be sought.

5. Water quality of Big Chico Creek should be monitored on an on-going basis and the results be made public.

6. Programs and activities which benefit the park, such as the Nature Center and clean-up days, should be adequately funded.

7. The park should continue to be managed by a commission that reflects an active interest in service to the Park.

8. Motorized vehicle use in the park should be restricted to daylight hours unless there are approved nighttime events.

9. Park roads, trails, and crossings should be developed, upgraded, or expanded with the safety of our community members in mind. City and county roads adjacent to the park should reflect speed limits which are appropriate for their proximity to the park.

Position History: 

A one-year Study, 1973 – 1974
Revision and Update, 1977
Revision and Update, 1983 – 1984
Reviewed and Clarified, 1992
Revised and Updated, 2001 – 2002

League to which this content belongs: 
Butte County